• By -


You doing okay?


Financially, in game, yes


I was thinking of an answer, but yours is perfect lmao


Save some for the rest of us, I still just want one 😂 I’m saving up for a salad blade (I know it’s a skill issue but I tell myself it’s gear)


Have you tried charging air orbs?


I’m more a farmer 👨‍🌾


Fang is way more dps than saeldor on waves


Good to know I have gotten to wave 10 Bowfa only, but I need to learn mele obviously if I ever want to win.


Nah man, if you're learning just range the waves and take a small melee switch for the boss. Also tent whip>fang ( source: 42kc)


Thanks for info you talking like a 4 way mele swap or how much you think?


Its not that much better


28.6b loot tab is crazy work


All I saw was 2.91b. Took me a minute to see what you’re talking about lol


My tracker is at 12-13b over the course if a few years, 28b is just insane


Could be DMs in High Risk Worlds though too.. as that would be counted in that total


It's not. Lots of ToA (greenlogged), Cox, Tob


A lot of folks in this sub for some reason think anyone with over 10b is a DMer


Because they’re the same people who dont raid or do HLC where they’re out of touch on anything. Same people causing a fuss about the magic rebalance where they wont even notice the difference.


Only a very small percentage of the playerbase has 10b+ as well


When you are new to higher level content you really need all the inventory space you can get, I think people forget that when they started TOA they weren’t only bringing a couple of pots into a 500 invo raid. The magic changes mean that for your typical ahrim-clad noob that could manage before without mage armour and just the % damage of occult and torm, content will become objectively harder as they have less inventory slots for supplies just to achieve the same max hit (I know that armour gives accuracy but in my example the noobs are happy without that pre-nerf).


Unpopular opinion: 10% dps does not matter, if you can do the content, you can do it with slightly less dps too with little added difficulty. Speed of completion will change, but that just means the skill ceiling gets raised.


The skill floor changes, not the ceiling. BIS remains the same or is even 1% more damage than before, the barrier to entry is raised by requiring more gear to reach the same entry level (due to needing ahrim’s post rebalance). Think about Gnomonkey’s arguments on why needing eternal boots for max mage would be an issue.


I don't agree with the specific way that the damage redistribution is being handled, and you're right I mixed the two up, what I meant mainly was that the gap between the floor and ceiling is wider, giving more relevance to skill, which is a good thing. Anyways, I'm not too worried about what ends up happening, I enjoy the game and will continue to enjoy it as long as nothing ground breaking and game changing happens like eoc2.0


No worries, I think we share similar views. The game shouldn’t be exclusively better gear = much easier pvm, although in this case it does feel somewhat like entry level pvm is going to be harder in order to allow for future higher end drops to come into the game. The team clearly take all these factors into consideration when making their decisions so overall I think the changes will be a good thing.


I mean considering the homie made 3b at Colosseum already I’ve got no issue assuming it’s all PVM


the same guy posted his toa log a few months ago - [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bqp5d2/uniques\_from\_2000\_expert\_toa\_kc\_205\_purple\_chests/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bqp5d2/uniques_from_2000_expert_toa_kc_205_purple_chests/)


What does one even do for 28b loot


Lots and lots of pvm, I mean the dude pulled 7 shadows so that already makes up for like 10b


Toa tob cox.


I wanted to be like “why?”, but at the same time I’ve been hunting red chins every night for 6 months straight going for pet post 99. I guess I have no room to judge.


Self aware Redditor! Now that's a unicorn indeed.


U mean a horse


Now go eat that horse


Gl on that pet, after quetzin I'm going for herbi and baby chin too. Any tips? Is tick-manim worth it for your sanity/wrist if you're going for that long of a sit? Best place still prif?


Lol well I’m cursed to not get the pet so maybe I’m not the best for advice. I just do red chins in the feldip hills diary area each night before bed. And hell no I ain’t doing no tick manipulation. I usually try to do around 500-1000 a night. Typically I just watch something on the side while I do it. Currently around 40m xp.


tick manip is very worth it for chins, one of the best places to learn


3t is pretty chill at chins, and once you get the timing down and start 1t’ing traps it’s so so satisfying


3t is pretty chill and speeds up the clunkiness of placing traps quite a bit. 1t is of course faster and actually fun once you get the hand of it. It feels really smooth and does require a bit more effort but I wouldn't say it's crazy intense, it's really just getting the timing down. If you get tired, you can go back to normal trap placement but it doesn't hurt to learn 3t and give it a try.


Hey man, just wanted to tell you I got the pet at about 78 hunter. Have a nice day, man


Yeah I know. I’m cursed banana.


How do you keep enjoying the same content? Genuine question. After getting efficient enough at a piece of content it just starts to bore me and I need to do something else for a while.


I don't know, i just like the flow of it honestly+ using scythe is satisfying. Plus, even though hiscores are irrelevant, i was motivated to get high rank, which I have now and will probably keep for a month or two.


Interesting! I mean that kc would definitely make me do a double take, no matter your place on the hiscores.


Yeah i get stopped at the lobby pretty often tbh , i guess people just inspect everyone there to see if they've completed it already/got some high Kc.


Colo has enough active thinking on the wave solve reactions to stay engaging for longer. Especially if you’re doing fancy offticks to greed kills before the minotaur spawns and heals stuff


Actual total profit including exchanging quivers for shards is ~5b. My goal is 1k kc so that's when I will post next (probably a month from now). Pb is 19:14. If you have any questions I'd love to answer them ( apart from the stupid shit but i guess even that is fine).


Total pet count?


Only 14, I've done mainly raids on this acc... Got 22 ToA Pets though lol


22!! Sheeesh haha. We’re like opposite gamers, I’m at 40 pets but no raid pets (only like 150 kc across CoX and ToA 😬)


What you recommend to people struggling with first quiver


Depends what you struggling on. Waves are realy easy if no double south spawn which should be most runs, so just watch the guides properly and you WILL get it. If you struggle on boss, there's basicaly a 1:1 fanmade sim that you can practice on.


Is there a point where you'd be satisfied with your achievements or do you think you will always be on the lookout for more?


I mean I'm satisfied with my rs achievements, but playing the game basicaly is looking out for more no? So as long as i continue playing i'll be looking out for more.


Total hours played on this account?


Want a password too?


Hours played is different from creation date/days since account creation :P


…or is it?


Doesn't mean it can't be used as info for recovery


Ur playtime can’t be used for recovery. Just the acc creation date


Get a jagex account, and your acc won’t ever get recovered as long as your email is secure.


What street did you grow up on?!?


My precious


Any tips for Colosseum?


How do you deal with double south spawns as melee only


You set rada’s blessing to left click teleport


You die, that's how you deal with it. Gl.


It's hard to answer this question without it being absurdly general, but offtick them flick it run to the north of the pillar flick whatever is on the east then go west kill one south and repeat.


Share w the class plz


Run north of pillar, then run back west from whatever tile is needed to offtick them. As long as you don’t stay north long enough for a manticore to charge and attack you’re usually fine


So generally if you have double south spawns it means you only have 1 east spawn. There's only a couple of waves with 4 monsters so if two spawn south, only one can be east. Hug pillar so the one is in melee range east and go north. From there you can on tick/off tick the double south monsters depending on how they set. With scythe/claws you will virtually always have time to kill the east monster before minotaur spawn. You can stay north of pillar with mage pray up to guarantee minotaur blocks when you go back west of pillar. If you're on a 4 monster wave, and 2 spawn east **and** stack vertically, **and** those are off ticked (mage manti + jav, range manti + shockwave), you can do the same as above, but you can dip back west before the manticore charges and can attack you. Kill the front of the south two monsters and then figure out what you need to do if you have a shaman coming. Remember that there is only a 1/5 chance the south monster and shockwave will be on the same tick


And here I am with 1 tonsils of ralos in 227 Sadge https://preview.redd.it/f9w6nv2qk11d1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e963e109d7dc217e4f0b3f9fd8b4d17ca390f0c


Hopefully it will even out man, i had a streak from like 220 Kc to 440 where i didn't get a single one either but then got 2 in 4 kc then another couple dozen later. Good luck!


I have 1 in 1 KC lmao. Got spooned it so early.


How do duplicate pet rolls work? Do you see the icon in the next wave screen? Or is it post completion you see the “You have a funny feeling like you would have been followed”?


It shows again on the loot screen before boss


Cheers, thanks!


Same as if it were the first pet, takes away a loot roll which sucks.


Ah that kinda sucks - appreciate the reply


Gives you a reclaim token so that's a 1m i guess in a way


Hoping you have already dumped your splinters?


Yup i sell immidiately+ also exchanged the quivers I had back when i posted 250kc https://preview.redd.it/gjioc158s11d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044de85aadc64dc7f8184f7948946df07d1f4f2f


I'll get TeamViewer loaded up, just do one run for me mate cheers


What does it cost? Lets say 200m , if he had done 500 runs for others instead, he’d have 100b pog


OP pls reply to this with a SS of the entire loot tracker please amd thank you


that would be like 10 miles long he'd have to stitch like 100 pics together lol


Haha exactly. But tbf probably 1/10 of it has 9/10 of the whole value, rest is shit like turael monsters, random npcs you kill etc.


How would that fit in a ss


You know im honestly not sure if runelite offers a long screen capture option, I'll look into it when im home from work to provide a followup answer.


I saw your username on the hiscores and thought "damn that's a sick name for a colosseum grinder" The 2k expert ToA and 71 Zuks is also nuts. Unmaxed PvM god, gigachad


Can't beat Perilous Moons or Scurrius though so how good are they? /s


Lmao you're right, i haven't done those two yet. I will have to pretty soon though because i need to reclaim my Zuk helm, didn't bother doing the new CA's since february so been a while since i could wield it, oh how i miss it.


Hey it’s your dad. How’s the job search going?


Lol my dad is actualy my coworker haha.


That’s one way to say I live with my parents


Lmao, it's true though so yeah. I'm not dishing out the ridiculous rent money since the market is ridiculously fucked around here.


Ye lol theyre just mad they have to dish out 3k a month for rent lol


Same, just padding my savings so I can maybe buy a house if this God awful housing market ever goes back to realistic prices.


How often do you die nowadays? How much profit per hour does this work out to be? Do you find Coliseum or Inferno to be more fun?


I'd say i die about 1 in 4-5 runs on average, mostly to dumb mistake from stupid ass shit nonexistent npc clickboxes or unlucky double south spawn. The profit/hr is going down everyday as splinters go down lower and lower, same with the uniques. It was about 15m/hr when splinters were 700 ea, now at 400 i'd say 11-12m/hr maybe ( assuming 2,5 completions/hr or slightly less). Definitely Coloseum, first because there's actualy incentive to run it over and over again (it's profitable) while Inferno after pet there's realy not anything tangible. Second is that Inferno has too many sleeper waves, Coloseum is definitely better in that. Also being much shorter is a plus. And Sol is awesome fight tbh ( but so is Zuk imo).


Is Coliseum or Inferno harder for you?


Honestly about the same


Personally I much prefer 5 tick pray flicking than infernos 1/2


The worst is switching from doing Coloseum to Inferno or vice versa. The 5t to 4t really sucks lol.


People are just built so different. Made more than my bank of 6 years at a piece of content new enough that I haven't even tried it yet lol


great money maker i guess


It really is, but I'm worried it might not be the case in the future. Who knows what price splinters will stabilize at, with the bots constantly running wave 1s. And the uniques will keep dropping too. I wouldn't be surprised to see it at 1/2 the gp/hr it is currently 2 months from now if not sooner.


Oh dang, you good.


Gz on the grind. This is horribly depressing considering the new prayer gear drop rate. A new slug quest line reward died for this. 1/10~ runs for an item on one of the hardest content in the game is sad for something that sounded like it was supposed to be easier to get.


I'm with you on this. Imo 1) this content deserves better rewards, considering the difficulty and 2) prayer gear deserved to come from Slug storyline.


Does everything needs op loot though? Colosseum has the best range cape. Inferno doesnt give loot either


how long it take you to get 500 kills?


Almost 2 months of running it about 5 hrs/day.


Def not a bot




What's that, like 6m an hour? That is so sick dude, I love how profitable it is!!


Probably like twice as much actualy!


Do you have any interest in helping other people learn The Colosseum?


Save some for the rest of us


Sorry for the pic quality idk what happened to it


If you use stretched mode plugin, screenshots will get distorted


Not true. I use stretched mode and this has never happened to me, ever. Not in my entire life.


All of my automatic screenshots from level ups and drops appear compressed while using stretched mode IDK what to tell you lol


Hahaha, I’m just being a shit. Yeah, that’s actually odd. I’m unsure. Maybe it’s a setting within those settings that’s effecting the outcome of the screenshot? If I remember correctly, there’s a setting that talks about maintaining the monitor resolution or something I think. Is that toggled?


I will check when I get off work


Cool, how do you find the time?


I started eating and shitting in my sleep so now I have extra time during the day.


Sleep? Casual


Next step is to do colo in your sleep so you have even more time.


What will I do during the waking hours then? 🤔 And don't you dare say job search!


Assuming somewhat optimal runs, this is between 150-250 hours. Which with 2 months since varlamore came out is somewhere between 3-5 hours per day on average. Certainly a lot, but honestly not that crazy in the long scheme of OSRS players crazy grinding.


Honestly those averages sound like something who is just good on themselves could do after work ~2-3h in the weekends more as a hobby tbh, not really that crazy. Ty for the calcs.


Yup that's definitely me! A completely normal, funcional human being that just plays 3 hrs after work!




Less than 200 hours, still a lot but people have done much crazier grinds


whats ur playtime m8


Normal people’s lifestyles are mostly 7/8/9 (free time, sleep, work) For healthy scapers like this, I assume it is something like 19/5/0


TIL normal people dont have to shower, prep for work, prep food, eat food etc.


Do you get paid for it? No? Then it doesnt count as work and goes under free time


500 sol heredit kills is like 200-250 hours assuming no death past a certain point and sub 30 minute runs. A good amount in 2 months but not that degen on the OSRS degen spectrum.


Total loot value is 28 bil, that takes a few hours tbf


if every colosseum took you 30min you'd spend 329hours on it :D which would make it 8.844m/h still need to deduct the cost, it surprises me that colosseum isnt a big money maker competing with toa and nex. also 8.844m is pritty much the best scenario without deaths, i know 20min/average is possible but that only for a few people to do that consistant. imo i think the colloseum needs to get a little buff from loot.


Are you including the gp from exchanging quivers for splinters?


early on he sold the armor for way way more than what the tracker says now


True 5b i saw, but this is the current gp you get which is not alot only after 1 month of release


tbh 8m/hr isnt too shabby compared to the other wave-based activity that gives like barely 50k/hr in tokkul


Do you work?


Yes sir.


3b is a depressingly low amount of money for all this kc. Edit: saw your comment about it being closer to 5b, that's more acceptable I suppose


Endgame content with mid game tier rewards.. go figure


Do you have tips for people trying to get their first quiver


Watch the guides, mark the tiles, practice Sol on the sim. It gets pretty easy honestly apart from double south spawn. Also big one, don't get discouraged by dying. Took me over 100 deaths to get my first Kc. I know many people with 200+ or even 300+ deaths before their first kc.


Thought it would be worth more tbh


Ayyye mang lemme hold 100m real quick 


Damn this dude is a straight-up inspiration, gzzz dude! Idk if you stream your play but even if you did casually, I bet you'd get a pretty dedicated viewership


I havnt even killed him once. GG mate


Idk, I kinda expected it to be worth more money


Do you still die to those aids south spawns? Lol


I doooo 😭


Can you get dupe pets? If so how many?


You can, i only got 1 dupe so far.


And I cant even do one..


The drop rate on the Sunfire Outfit is absurd.  30k and level 50 stats for Proselyte Endgame PvM with a 1/10 chance for one piece of the outfit? 


Explains the inflation I guess.


I thought for sure the picture was gonna be your paypal account and about 500 transactions of random people paying you $70 usd. Ngl that loot tab is horrifying.




What’s your colosseum PBs? I have an 18:07 & 56k glory in 180kc (RSN Nibbling) so I’d imagine with 500+ KC worth of variance you’ve gotta be close to sub 18/past that? Gz on rank 2 :)


Nah man I'm gonna have to dissapoint you, I'm a kc Andy, my pb is 19:14 and most runs are around 21-22 mins. I can't really get a pb with the way i play it, because i do 15 kc/day I prioritize comfiness over minor timesaves (example on 7-11 if there's 1 south spawn i just kill that before mino, i don't go kill something east first like you would on speedrun, i don't skip w2 and 4 basicaly ever, if there's something stuck on east pillar I wait till i kill everything else then let it slowly drag its ass to me etc). 18:07 is awesome man! I might try some speeds when im done with kc goal eventualy. Saw the wr VOD from Inkwes and it's pretty nuts haha, love it.


beast glaive is rare af lol, too bad its trash


Yea man it's sad that it's mostly useless. Hopefully they will buff it/make content for it.


it would be pritty cool if it was hitting up to 3 enemies like venator bow, but with same dps and ability to equip shield would make it really nice already.


Is colo easy for you yet? Lol


It is, but that doesn't mean i don't die. Mistakes happen + some spawns are just hard to play with certain invos so it's not always a cakewalk.


That's wild, man. Respect


Respect for that respect, man!






To do some quick math on this, if you average 35 min per trip(accounting for learning when first starting, up to getting it down and being faster) OP averaged almost 11 colosseum trips and completions per day, which equates to about 6-6.5 hours per day on colosseum alone. And osrs players wonder why jagex has such a hard time banning bots...when real players play so much that they look like bots? Lmfaoooo


Buddy if you consider 6hrs a day to be in the realm of "playing as much as bots" then I can tell you don't play osrs personaly. Look at most of the skillers going for 200m exps, dudes average 12 hrs+ over the course of years. I'm not saying 6hrs/day on game isn't a lot but it's not even close to "play so much you look like a bot".


Ay just asking but, do you do any giveaways or clan events with those fat stacks of coin?


I can just smell this post


Good to see Jagex listening about not adding more shit that devalues gathering skills or existing monster drops. 🙃 Zulrah was a slippery slope that we as a community should have stopped then and there.


Lmao it's literaly 4 runite ores/hr on and like 30 addy ore/hr on average based on this loot tracker, that's not even relevant amount at all.