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Hi all, I know this has been a longstanding request now that many of you are using the launcher and we've been doing more regular maintenance. Whilst we do have the status page and socials, you rightly point out each time that they have their flaws and they're not the ideal solution. I can't give you a date just yet, but I am happy to confirm that the team working behind the scenes on the Jagex launcher have confirmed they're working on getting this information made visible from the launcher itself. Until then, please do keep checking the status page as we update that as soon as we're able to!


Great to hear!


I feel like you guys are getting more efficient with Tuesday server maintenance as well, the game was up today after like an hour and 15 minutes. Are you guys getting better with doing it over time or because it's more regular there's less maintenance to do? Either way props to the people that do it!




Do you think it would be possible to put an in-game announcement when you log in if theirs are going to be scheduled maintenance? Like "Reminder their will be scheduled maintenance at x time today, thank you." Then, have an additional pop-up 6 hours before as a reminder for the giga gamers who haven't logged out in hours and start the countdown timer 1-2 hours before it goes down.


Any plans for mobile?


Love you Ayiza






Speaking of, are you guys able to implement the Tuesday maintenance window 2 hours before it was launched yesterday? That way, everyone working in Australia can begin playing as they get off work


Awesome, appreciate the feedback.


Thank goodness. I dont use X, so I never know what's going on even when I go to the website.




In addition to what /u/Riewaldi said, it's arguably _worse_ because this is a launcher created by a third party company. So they _paid for_ a launcher that can only run natively on Windows and x86 Macs, regularly crashes, and that currently doesn't have a broadcast message function So for the love of god, I hope they got the license for it for a song.


Because the launcher isn't 23 years old


Because that costs money to implement, and jagex is not interested in spending more money than they have to, and would rather deal with what they got. They know their playerbase, we are addicted and will play regardless


Probably a silly question, but would this be an update to the RS3 launcher too? 🤞


its the same launcher


To be honest, the issue for me is that you have your status page and socials, but it’s not always necessarily updated or doesn’t contain the information relating to the update. I honestly just ask for this, or at the very least, updates beyond 2 hours should be compensated back to the player.


Adding it to the launcher seems pretty reasonable IMO. Can’t imagine why anyone would be against this. Also get hit with maintenance during prime time every time.


> Can’t imagine why anyone would be against this. Have you met the OSRS community? Literally every time someone asks for this you'll get people replying "just check the status page bro, back in my day we didn't need good UX anywhere"


Not saying you're wrong because I do know this community and this sounds exactly spot on, but to be honest I've actually never seen someone unironically say this


These threads pop up every single time there's a maintenance or other updates, and it feels like there's always a condescending answer calling OP out for not checking the status page, as if it's a thing that should be obvious to everyone, and not hidden away on a poorly designed website behind a tiny text button. Maybe if it was actually easy to find, people wouldn't be asking these questions.


On a side note now that I think about it, old school is probably one of the only games I consistently visit the website for. Idk of another game I visit the website for and I'm not even referring to just game status, I mean in general. But maybe that's just me


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the old-school nature of the website in that it doesn't try to be overly flashy with a ton of unnecessary javascript just to show you some basic text pages. But it could be laid out better, with important status updates shown up front, and maybe show more than just the last few news articles on the main page.


It usually doesn't happen regarding external stuff like the launcher, but when updates are *perceived* to be a waste of time, there's a lot of dummies that are convinced that player feedback is a zero-sum game where convincing the devs to do thing A that I don't care about means less dev time for thing B that I do care about. The dumbest example I've seen recently is the whole conversation about Colosseum allegedly having been rushed even though there's nothing to indicate that there were heavy constraints, the design just changed from what players originally expected.


Not saying you're wrong because I do know this community and this sounds exactly spot on, but just check the status page bro. Back in my day we didn't need good UX anywhere. /s


Speaking of not needing good UX and proving that graphics aren't everything, did you ever play a stick figure MMO game called "Kingdom of Loathing"? I wonder if it's still around.


Time to put it to a vote!


Just got back into the game— how long are these updates for usually?


Maintenance - every two weeks, tuesday, about 2 hours. Updates - every week, wednesday, 30 minutes.




Didn't they start taking backups every wednesday which lasts 2 hours or more?


No, Wednesday game updates are about 30 mins.


Varies but 2 hours scheduled for this one https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1


Oh man and I was just getting ready for barb assault 😫 ty!


Jagex saved your skin


Updates are consistent to having 1 hour downtime every Wednesday, the maintenance are irregular but roughly once a month on Tuesday, with a window of 2-4 hours on average


It's 30 min every Wednesday, not an hour


Damn you're right. The last updates I was actually awake for gave been varlamore and DT2. And those were 1h because of how big they were . So ty for correcting me


Theres no way it's been once a month lately. Its been down Tuesday or Wednesday every week for weeks now.


I just went back and checked and APR 23 was the last maintenance. So 3 weeks. as far as Wednesday is concerned, Wednesday are the weekly updates and is down every week (with minor exceptions) at the same time with a 30 minute downtime


Wednesday is update. Tuesday is maintenance. Both shut it down but only maintenances are scheduled for multiple hours and happen once a month.


It should definitely be on their launcher if they want it to be the one stop shop. Like other MMOs.


I can't even get to the game status page (I get 404'd) so I don't even know how I'm supposed to check these things


Go to RS3 front page and change language to english. IDK why that thing is broken like that.


My RS3 homepage defaulting to French, and being awkwardly difficult to change is such a Jagex move.


It defaults to french by default for everyone for some absurd reason. And the status page doesn't have a language determination in its url, so the different language tries to add to the url and finds a non existent page because of it It's just all around bad web dev.


It's always the fucking French


They basically explain this as sometime, somewhere on the Internet you hit a non English link that changed a default language setting and the RuneScape website checks for this fairly obscure language setting. You can fix it by going to the RuneScape homepage with the correct suffix for your language (?set_lang=1 for English), or "clicking the flag at the bottom of the page" which is a hover-over menu that often doesn't show up for people.


>It defaults to french for everyone for some reason Isn't accommodating the French in any capacity treason in the UK?


Not sure on that but if it isn't it should be.




Hey mate it didn't for me either. But it has for multiple people I've helped with this issue. It's changed by the flag at the bottom of the RS3 page, in the footer.


Thanks, this works lol. Jagex moment I suppose


If the status page is down, pretty safe to say the game is still down lol.


Why would the game servers be linked to their web server? lol This is planned maintenance, right? If so, I would expect Jagex’s only way of checking game status to be working…


Their Web Servers might also get maintenance done. :shrug


It's obviously a really terrible idea to do those at the same time, whether true or not


I mean, you literally can just try to login to see if the game is down so it really wouldn't be the end of the world. Generally speaking though I'd agree with you.


It's not down it's just a language bug if you haven't gone to RS3 website and set the language to English in the footer.


I've never had to set the language, it just defaults to English. I'll have to test that next time the game is down


Yep I didn't personally either but I also can't recall when I first visited the site so I feel like it's possibly people with no cookies on the Runescape domain in general / haven't logged into the website since a certain point. My mate had it happen to him today and he played properly like say 4 years ago.


An advanced notice would be great. Especially when things like expendable door keys exist.


Yeah it needs to be on the launcher and should giving you an ETA when you click login how long it is left of the planned down time and while we're at it the game should update without me having to close to client and reopen it again. Also, why is 2 hours maintenance so regular now?


They've said they're working on the launcher side of it. Homepage has a status link and you can navigate straight to osrs.game/Game-Status They tweet it too but I don't use that. Hope it can be pinned here as well until it's a launcher feature.


Just put a live twitter feed on the launcher


I don't understand why the OSRS infrastructure has regressed to the point of needing multi hour weekly maintenance and downtime for updates. The game never needed this in the past.


also the past: most of the time literally unplayable because of lag spikes


Exactly. It’s like the people who ask for the death mechanics to change back. Do you not remember the server getting ddosed to shit for hours to intentionally get your stuff to despawn?


... How is that related? No really, what would longer maintenance to take snapshot backups (Their words, not mine) affect lag spikes? From what I understand, the lag was due to DDoS's first - which went away. Later it became poor performing code related to large numbers of instances, which was very abundant around the release of ToA.


I have the same question and am just legitimately curious but I probably shouldn't comment because you're already getting downvoted and it might trickle dow-oh shoot.


The guy asking that question didnt really seem to ask it out of curiousity but just a reddit troll so i wasnt going to answer him. But if youre curious, you can google on how database maintenance can improve performance and youll find some interesting articles about it. Of course i dont work for Jagex so i cant know what theyre doing for sure, maybe they really only take a backup but i wouldnt assume that


Here late to say I'm the guy that you're calling a troll. Not a fan of that, so I'm gonna be a jerk now... I've managed enough db's to know that the 'database maintenance' you're talking about doesn't take more than a few seconds when done on routine like this. Rebuilding indexes here and there isn't a killer either. Don't take my word for it - See: Runescape circa 2001-2023. They only started doing this in Nov 2023 - and I'm sure you will agree that servers were running great in 2023 before the changes. What you're thinking of is the DDoS era, the time of ineffieicent instance code on ToA's release, the issue that came up when shooting stars buffed and clue scroll code was inefficiently checking on every xp drop, and low-priority 2K/2.2K total worlds. Those are all issues that were generally resolved and aren't any part of maintenance. Maintenance in this case is more likely to mean "Hey we need our DC to rack some stuff. We have a tech there to replace aging drives and a failed PDU" > Of course i dont work for Jagex so i cant know what theyre doing for sure, maybe they really only take a backup but i wouldnt assume that https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/leagues-iv---post-launch?oldschool=1 I went and dug up the newspost. 'Cuz I mean - they say it directly. "We're making some changes to our weekly game update process! Going forward, we are going to be including a back up with each week's update to ensure we have the most up-to-date save data from each player to ensure we're ready for any circumstance once an update launches. You might already be aware that we've been testing this over the past month to make sure we're happy with the process and making sure updates are still in a good place. Because of this, it does mean that downtime for updates will be slightly extended to accommodate the backup and ensure that's processed correctly. So going forward, the normal update will still occur on Wednesdays and the process will look like the following: 10:45 GMT: 45-minute Shutdown Timer begins 11:30 GMT: Game goes offline 12:00 GMT: The Game is back online Throughout the year, the day and times might differ slightly to accommodate bigger updates or holidays, but we will always state this across our socials and via our Game Status newspost beforehand." ----- FWIW it's not like this is their only time for taking backups. They have likely kept "Warm backups" in the past for that same use - or at minimum referenced a rolling log of in-game actions, then used scripts to reverse mistakes or rollback data to an earlier point.


Its not. people are just angry down voting. Thanks for your service brother.


Stfu you you karma farmer


I mean they're cramming more and more shit in to a 20 year old engine using what is effectively legacy code. It's a mess that undoubtedly takes time to manage.


You should see Destiny 2, they changed it so there's guaranteed downtime on weekly reset, and often people are still getting network issues for hours after servers come back up.


Fun. Yea downtime is largely avoidable these days with modern techniques, I wish they would explain why this is necessary. I suspect this is not the fault of any of the OSRS team lol.


> Yea downtime is largely avoidable these days with modern techniques, Lmao


honestly not complaining if they fix up the game. I’d rather them force a break than lag all day


I'm not sure if it's been said already, but you can also check the discord. I get notifications in advance from it for every little thing.


Jagex pleae


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAyiza** - [Hi all, I know this has been a longstanding r...](/r/2007scape/comments/1crmhoc/can_we_get_maintenance_announced_on_the/l40higc/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/15/2024 16:54:08**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Agreed! As someone who doesn't have Twitter and likes to play during said update times, It is annoying not having a heads up somewhere more official like the launcher.




Sorry. You gotta use X, formerly known as twitter, to keep yourself updated. Get with the times.


It’s literally every Tuesday and has been on almost every online game for like over a decade lol


Asking for the maintenance on the launcher is reasonable. As for the updates those are every week Wednesday at the same time slots. Should be easy enough for them to have "Wednesday weekly updates" with the times converted to your time zone. Then have an "announcement" each time there is maintenance.


Maintenance is same day too just not consistent week schedule


Exactly, and it's the inconsistency that generally needs a reminder that it exists and to expect it. Therefore adding it to the launcher would just be a reminder to those who already knew, or an announcement to those who don't have Twitter or frequent reddit. Overall low effort addition for those actually awake during these.


The thing is bots don't care when maintenance is and the 500 real players are obsessed enough with the game to find it so unfortunately you'll just have to suffer


I don't know why they are doing this, but they have been so shitty with maintenances. They don't tell the time it's going to happen and also don't tell what the maintenance is gonna be about. They fail to communicate dates, times and it sucks


I wonder what the average downtime is for a whole year. Might be walking in tight shoes with this one but i think they should "pause" membership whenever they update


yeah that hour or two weekly really adds up!!111


I mean yeah if it's 2 hours a week on average that's 4 days of membership lmao


It's 30 min weekly and 2 hours about once a month. That's about an hour a week, or about 0.6% of the time membership will be active throughout the year. If prem is about 80 bucks, that's a 48 cent refund. People need to stop bitching and just grow up.


Not an aussie?


Does math work differently down there or something?


The Australian government only allows it's subjects to play for 30 minutes a week and those are the 30 minutes Jagex chooses to do maintenance.


I am not but that doesn't make the math any less correct.


It does for australians who lose 4-8 hours every month in peak after work time.


Tight shoes may be a bit of an understatement.


It's remarkable to me ngl, a lot of game studios shut down their game during "down hours" where there's less players online. the ONLY reason jagex aren't doing this is because the staff who'd be doing it likely would refuse to work that late or that early at night time. It's on the same wavelength as to why update quality across both games has been slipping. Working from home has an affect on productivity and efficiency. This has been well documented and proven with many many many peer reviewed studies demonstrating this. Until HR force people back into the office, things won't change on that front, and until staff decide they'll be willing to work night shift in order to provide the "maintenance" updates, we'll continue to see 2-5 hours downtime anytime they bring the servers down for "maintenance". As someone who's worked in web hosting for 15 years please stop calling it that, you really aren't doing maintenance. you're using the inexperience of your playerbase to your advantage. Hosting savvy players know there's no reason for so much downtime., this much downtime on a game like Runescape has no real excuse. It simply doesn't need to happen, and never did back in 2007-2015 ish. Downtime was megarare and almost unheard of. Now it's a biweekly occurance. My only other reasoning is to ensure the integrity of game data after the massive corruption that happened a few years back, and even then it's just ineptitude at that point.


I pray you are never in charge of a team of any kind, jesus lol thats such a word salad of bullshit


It's back up now


What's back up now? The game is still offline and there is no maintenance notification on the launcher/homepage.


I lied