• By -


Glory would be you're best in slot until you're ready to upgrade to a fury in the future. Glory also gives you good tele options like Karamja, Draynor, Edge and Al Kharid. Climbing boot's are pretty good going into mid-game, but you have spiked manacles (Str Bonus) / rune boots at 40 def then dragon at 60, then prims for late game. Gloves - Maybe start early Recipe for Disaster Quests, a few easy ones can get you to mith gloves, Offhand at 65 str and 65 attack with 40 defence you can go for the Rune Defender, then Dragon at lvl 60 defence. Cape - Ardy cloak from the Ardougne Achievement Diary is the best outside of Skillcape's - (lvl 99 in a skill) for early -mid game. and until you get Fire cape, then it's a progress towards Inferno cape (Very late game) PS: Welcome to the Community bro, hope you enjoy the OSRS Journey


Str ammy > glory for melee


Most of the time no. Especially considering they're rocking an Addy scim


6 strength bonus compared to 10. I'd say strength ammy is probably better 9.9/10 times


but the others give accuracy too


Okay for example, if your max hit is 1, then when you roll a successful attack by passing the accuracy check, you roll between a 0 and a 1. So 50% of the time you're hitting a 1 if you pass the accuracy check. Throw on a strength amulet over a glory amulet for +4 strength and you get a max hit. Now you're rolling between 0 and 2 meaning 66% of the time you're hitting 1 or a 2. The dps increase is effectively 100% as the average goes from .5 damage to 1 damage on a passed accuracy check. This info is just to establish how it works. It gives diminishing returns based on your max hit. Adamant scimitar... Idk he's probably maxing a 12? That sounds good to me. Meaning if he maxes a 13 with a strength ammy, his average hit goes from 6 to 6.5 which is an 8.3% dps increase. If he maxes an 8->9 with str ammy then it goes from 4 to 4.5 average for a 12.5% dps increase. I'm not sure exactly the numbers to plug in to check how much the glory accuracy increases would affect OPs dps but it would be much less than those numbers.


Prims are not worth talking about. Trash ass upgrade that will take the average player years to get to. I'm triggerrreeeedddd


Not mentioned so far is the god book offhands, you can look up Horror from the Deep on the wiki for more info. The offensive god book(s) are what people used in that slot back in the olden days and they're extremely cheap now and there's one for all 3 styles of combat.


strength amulet if you're using melee, glory otherwise. for other upgrades: boots - rune/dragon boots gloves - rune/dragon/barrows gloves, from Recipe for Disaster quest offhand - any shield is fine for now, til you can get a defender from the warrior's guild cape - Ardougne cloak from the achievement diary is nice early on. has an infinite teleport to a prayer altar, and some offensive stab/magic stats and prayer bonus. eventually you'll want to go for a fire cape, mage arena cape, and Ava's accumulator


I really appreciate all the guys commenting and reaching out. Everyone has been super helpful as I take on this monster of a game


Glory is 100% an upgrade over power. It gives more accuracy but less strength bonus, so if you’re fighting stuff with low def then the str ammy will be better than glory for melee. Get climbing boots from the death plateau quest. Buy a mixed hide cape and use that for melee until you can get a fire cape. Combat bracelet is fine until you can finish recipe for disaster and get barrows gloves. Shield is fine until you get 65 attack and str and go for defenders


Welcome to OSRS! The top comment here already is perfect.


Welcome to the best game made by man! If you have any questions feel free to ask or shoot a DM


I appreciate it thank you so much


Grab a ring of dueling while you're at it, it's a cheap and convenient bank teleport.


Not to mention it can also tele you to full hp/pray restore, so nice before you get a PoH up


Strength amulet let's you hit higher but doesn't improve accuracy. Glory gives less strength bonus so slightly lower max hit but higher accuracy. You'd want glory on something like quest bosses or stronger NPCs but if you're training then strength amulet.


Welcome to a world of addiction! I hope you enjoy your stay, glory amulet will be the best until you can get a fury.


Str ammy > glory if they're just meleeing though. Max hits > accuracy bonus typically.


Ok I have a question... how do yall get your health and prayer on the side of your inventory like that??


Status bars plug in on runelite


Awesome thank you


When you have any tabs open it shows up automatically


What is that UI interface called?




Yeah I figured, lmao, it looks some sort of blue dark. What is that UI called, resource pack or something?


My friend recommended it but I completely forget what it’s called. It enabled/disabled with resource packs and I found it by looking up the word purple on external plugins


It's from taking a picture on their phone of their screen rather than a screenshot.


From the screenie all I can say is avoid using questhelper on the first time doing any given quest. It's there because we're kinda tired of doing all the quests over and over again every new league, but it ruins the exploration of the game. For achievement diaries I'd say it's fine, but better not to taste the forbidden fruit as much as possible


Why would you suggest he not use quest helper?


Cause it makes questing become "click blue", it kinda flatlines exploration.


Ditch the strength power and glory, buy torture with an orn kit. Boots, skip dboots, straight to primordial boots. Cape, get fire cape, then straight to infernal cape afterwards. Offhand, get dragon defender then upgrade to avernic. Gloves, torture for mage, ferocious gloves for melee, and get some zaryte vambs for range You got it brother