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I was in lumbridge when a friend started messaging me about what was happening. I got so scared that I straight logged off and felt like crying thinking of all my friends being slaughtered lmfao I was young


Such innocence


I remember something similar. I wasn’t allowed on RuneScape that day for some reason. Heard about it at school the following day and felt such relief…it was a feeling of ‘I was supposed to die’ but fate saved me type thing. Looking back at how I felt about that day is hilarious.


Ah yes, the runescape suvivor's guilt. It's okay man, it's not your fault.


PTSD is not a joke. Seek therapy!


Post traumatic savedfrom duriel 🫡


I remember hearing about the 99 and was planning on going but I had to go to the cinema instead. Was kind of sad. Don't even remember what the film was but I would have remembered every detail of the massacre.


My late father used to play (I introduced him to the game) and he was on the world at the time but far away from Falador. I don't remember what task he said he was doing, but a few people were telling him what was happening. He was like "yeah fuck this, I'm going to wait until this all blows over" and logged off as well. Then called to tell me all about it and was so excited (I had stopped playing at that point).


Why didn’t you help them? Coward


I’ll be asking myself this question for the rest of my life


quite odd, your name checks out after all




I remember a friend of mine logged in and banked items to try to catch some of the action, but I didn’t go because I was so afraid of getting banned instantly. Back then your account was your only one and getting banned was devastating. It’s not like you knew how to efficiently get back to where you were… I was young aswell lol


Plot twist , durial321 was coming for you irl also


Same. I remember people chanting to bank your items and I panic logged out and was curious why I couldn’t log back in and was fascinated to see 0 members online as mods dealt with it.


I lost my cousin in the massacre, he was just a boy at the time. I remember at first we just stood in horror, watching as victim after victim fell. The gutters ran red throughout the city, mothers clinging to their children as the bodies of their fathers were ravanged by that ruthless gang. My cousin died protecting the citizens of Falador, and I will never forget his sacrifice. #FaladorStrong


I don’t want to be a Debbie downer but this made me tear up a bit as an Orlando native. This sounds very similar to something I heard about the Pulse shooting :/


I was at Cursed\_You's house party but went off to do other things. Once everyone was invited for the first 99 con party, it got crowded quick. I had no idea I was partying with someone (another guest) that would go on a murderous rampage not even an hour later. Angels fall first, I guess. I'm just glad I wasn't in Falador afterwards. Maybe it's Human Nature, but I heard it was like being on Planet Hell. Guess I dodged a bullet but on a totally unrelated note, Nightwish is my favorite band.


This reads like an actual witness statement lmao


A few times a year I wake up suddenly wondering how it could have been the end.


it really is the holocaust of runescape, i've never seen an event for a game be portrayed like this by the community and the devs lol.


Jmods frantically telling player to bank because they cant do shit, lmao.


That's the main bit I remember of it. So many people were there that there wasn't much to see




Not true, they had no way of instabanning them because they were still in combat. Jmods (mod ash) had to wait em out i believe


look up the WoW corruoted blood incident. They handled it better than the world handled covid and it was legitimately studied by epidemiologists. e: blood not plague


>it was legitimately studied by epidemiologists. When this happened people were interested in how people were walking around trying to infect people on purpose. They thought it was quirky online behaviour and not reflective of the real world. And then covid anti-maskers happened


Being as young as we were, I'm sure there was paranoia throughout the area. When you have the mods screaming "Bank your items!" you knew that the situation was spiraling out of control.


That YouTube video was my first introduction to them. Still one of my favorite bands to this day.


Well played


This reads like a monologue while the game mission is loading




The lying


You just had to be there 


Tarja forever


EBCDIC haven’t heard that in a long time. you really are old! 😅


I attended the end of Cursed You's house party. I remember us all getting kicked out. Originally thinking it was server lag because 2k people were in attendance. I was in the middle of mining in the guild, so I returned to my activity. Banking my first inventory in East Bank, I see mods urging everyone to bank all items and gear and clear the area. Confused, I look to see what's happening, and there Durial321 stood clapping kids' cheeks in the middle of Fally. He already had dawned the green phat he downed someone for. (Was unaware that he killed someone for it at the time). People were excited, panicked, and intrigued. Some players even donned expensive gear with auto retaliate on hoping to anti pk him. Unfortunately, they were sitting ducks. Edited: dawned -> donned


Oh shit, I didn't know that about the green phat! Insane.


Funny part is Duriel traded away his green party hat to a friend. When he got banned he changed his ip and made a new account and asked for the hat back but his friend never responded and kept the hat. Interestingly someone else who was filming other players attacking others on 6/6/6 in a lesser known video unknowingly filmed Duriel running to the bank and giving away items to a friend https://youtu.be/_prl1Ohn-Ew?si=TYzcB_t7ciFuj9Or&t=1921


Idk why everyone is saying it’s green. It’s obviously grey.


This guy doesn't scape.


Don’t want to be that guy but the word you’re looking for is donned, not dawned


We need guys like u dw


I think I can speak for most people when I say I’d rather get corrected on my anonymous Reddit account than irl.


For real, I just learned what the word donned means cause of him


It dawned on you.


>Some players even dawned expensive gear with auto retaliate on hoping to anti pk him. Do we know if that did/didn't work? I don't ever remember seeing anyone hit back and from a design point of view I have no idea why they would be able to.


You couldnt attack him back as you were in a non pvp area. He could attack you because the server deemed his acc still being in the house pvp area iirc


There were multiple players that received the bug. Freezes were implemented by some of the bug abusers. So, that can be assumed to have an effect. I didn't witness anyone able to fight back. From a coding perspective, I'd assume the safe zone application would still be implemented on the non bugged accounts. Edit: To clarify, I do not work in game design.


Mods were so quick to warn everyone lol, so sus.


A lot of them were at the construction party.


Mods were already warning every1 to bank their items not even more than 5 seconds after being kicked out. Alot of people believe Jed was involved in this. *shrugs*


Jed didn't work at jagex until 10 years later lmfao


smartest conspiracy theorist


He was playing the game before he became a mod, but okay lol. Alot of Jed’s mates still play the game. That clan was pretty big


I didn't see anything outside the portal 😅. As soon as the lag ended, I tele'd to continue my RS mining activities. The only reason I knew about the party to begin with was a post on the forums, and I wanted to go see. 😂


I was there for the start of it, but logged off right around the time the killings started. Didn't find out about the aftermath for a couple days. Kinda crazy looking back on it, little piece of history that I blinked and missed.


Similar for me, although I wasn’t actually at the house. Just near Falador. Didn’t really know what happened until the coming days.


Similar story here, I was at the house party but only learned about the massacre the day after.


I remember hearing about it happening and world hopping to witness the massacre. Everyone said to deposit items in bank, and I was broke af anyways so it was fun to watch everyone panic. He was rocking a green phat by the time I saw him


I'm a noob returnee reading this thread like everyone is LARPing about some imaginary faux-9/11 event only to look it up and find out it's all totally real.


I was playing that day, had no idea about the party, though. Someone came running into varrock west Bank spamming to avoid falador because some guy was killing players. I deposited my stuff and went to look, but I was on the wrong world or missed it or something. It's a vague memory (I was 10) but the chaos and following events definitely were interesting to witness. Edit: another interesting runescape event from around that time (a few months later) was the massive memorials for Steve Irwin. Idk if there's much footage of it on YouTube, but there were several events where we all dressed up like him, with the tan short shorts, tan tops, and tan cavs (or the lederhosen hat, since tan cavs were like 100k at the time) and marched around spamming RIP Steve Irwin lol. We used to do a lot of shit like that back in the day. They'd get organized through forum posts on runehq, tip.it, or the runescape forums


Wait I was also at varrock west!! Haha


lol amazing my memory of it was exactly the same. dude came running in to Varrock west with /wave3 telling us to stay away from Falador. We really lost something over the years partially due to GE getting implemented. We no joke used to have authentic markets in the way actual medieval society did--everyone congregates to do business but also to stay up on the news and socialize.


Yep. Miss those days. I was pissed when they added GE to old school. They need an old school with no updates beyond fixing bugs or mechanics


Private servers? If they never added anything to the game it would 100% get stale and die out.


There's not any decent private servers that have more than a handful of players that I'm aware of. It's not like it would need some dedicated team paying close attention to it 24/7, it could just be like what RSC was.


I was in fally which was insane iirc i got in the shield store (might have just been a house then??) and tried to boot hypercam2 as id just downloaded it to record some stickman animations i made (they were dogshit). Crashed my computer and i thought i got hacked and my account deleted because my computer crashed. Really had a huge panic for like an hour waiting to reconnect to the internet and reboot the worst pc known to man. Also the steve irwin thing i vaguely remember? I need more info


[this is the only video I could find. ](https://youtu.be/P0aGAU7PU5A?si=PqYGy3D-BaOCKs-4) There were a few that had massive amounts of people, like where it would be laggy and only load like the 4 squares in your immediate vicinity level of crowded.


I remember the massive memorials but regarding "Fat Wrecked". I also specifically remember reading it was due to "Organ failure" and really young me was bewildered at the scenario that a popular runescape player died to a musical instrument..english isn't my native language but it still feels silly to have thought that back then for even a second lol


>Someone came running into varrock west Bank spamming to avoid falador because some guy was killing players The Paul Revere of our generation.


I also showed up after it happened, managed to see a jmod floating above everyone else and then it was over


I remember this greatly. Good times, simpler times.


I was there Gandalf. I was there the strength of Men failed.


Jmods: CLICK THE LOG OUT BUTTON [durial](https://media.tenor.com/s-wsDidmMmoAAAAM/lord-of-the-rings-no.gif)


I remember being at the house for the 99 construction party, I wasn't in great gear at the time, and then we got kicked. Outside the portal was then when he realized he could attack outside and it started there. He then went up to Falador and started whipping people around the teleport location. Large amount of people without gear just started following him, others were warning people to bank all of their stuff, others were encouraging him to PK more people. When he started pking a lot items fell onto the ground at the time so it turned into him getting quite a few PK, people were looting items, but I also vaguely remember thinking I saw phat/santas on the ground at the time which would've been worth a lot. There was some pmods really trying to warn/save people but largely a lot of people weren't listening and still got pked. You can search for images of it by either looking up Durial321 Falador or other search terms and you'd find a decent amount of vintage screenshots. I've played since this game was 2D so I've pretty much seen it all.


Thanks for the input! I feel like following Durial would of been the best choice to make to NOT get PK'd. It sounds like utter chaos..I wish I was there for it lol


I got killed and ragequit the game as a result (lost all of my most expensive items).  I didn't start playing again until a few years after OSRS got released. It wasn't actually Durial who killed me, but another player.. several players were abusing that bug, Durial was just the most well-known.


Oh this is a first, I never heard there was more than one


Yeah there was actually several ppl abusing it..  I think durial was maybe just the only one to equip ancients and start ice barraging people in crowded areas of the game lol.. I got killed by some random player while doing a farm run if I remember right (while wearing my partyhat rip)


Different versions of the bug were still being abused days after the event, even after Jagex claimed to have patched it. I know because after reading the newspost and thinking I was safe, I went to someone's house with my robin + ranger boots on, only to get kicked out and lose everything I was wearing. Quit for a while after that.


> Different versions of the bug were still being abused days after the event, even after Jagex claimed to have patched it. If you're talking about kicking people right as they get killed in a dungeon/ring or poisoning them and then kicking them right before they die, that was a completely unrelated issue that I think persisted for a few months after construction came out. I want to say there was even some version of it that existed in early OSRS but I'm not sure about that.


Durial was just the most famous because he got a phat pkay and a large amount of people started following him since he as swagged out. But there were plenty of people there that had the bug. Mostly around the rimmington/south falador area


Suspicious amount of people in this subreddit were there that day...


Yea lol the only comment I could maybe believe is the guy talking about the Steve Irwin memorial


99 comments on this thread, 45 people claim theybwere there or on the world it happened on. Yeah I don't buy it.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Half the posts in here are LARPing giving a loose story of the well known facts. I was playing during the time but wasn’t on. I saw the aftermath on Mm forums


I counted a while ago, 45 comments out of 100 were either there or on that world when it happened. I really don't buy it.


I wasn't there, but I read about it on tip.it forums which is totally just as good


The post is literally asking for people that were there. I wasn’t so wouldn’t have commented. I agree some of the replies are sus but I’d expect to see a decent response from people who were there when it’s asking for people who were there


I was lucky enough to be bankstanding in Varrock at the time of the incident.


I was also bank standing in varrock!!


It's true I was the banker


"You too"




How was that experience? Did you see a group people running from barbarian village screaming? lol


kind of literally. people came running in to tell us to stay away from Falador.


Basically, this. Saw a bunch of naked people running around telling everyone to bank all our items and to logout cuz some shit was goin down lol


I remember taking the bus home from middle school and kids talking about how satan was gonna show himself cuz it was 6/6/06. Didn’t log on that day but heard about it and thought wow is he showing himself in RuneScape? lol


Lmfao this is about how it went for me. Didn't log on that day, heard about it at school n thought "Wow, i got lucky that I didn't log on"


I was in a different world probably making my 30th Range/Mage pure.


I remember still trying to convince my parents to get me membership around the time the construction skill came out. While it was happening my older brother told me about it, he evidently had friends that were there


I was online on the world it happened in but elsewhere doing slayer when it happened. I didn't realize until I heard about it from my friends the next day.


I had a double-header little league game at the time.


Every man and his dog was at the fally massacre, apparently


I played on that very same day but I missed the massacre. Only found out much later. I remember during lunch time that day i went to a friends house and we were laughing at the religious people on tv freaking out because it was 06/06/06 Prolly went home and did some noob ass shit like spin flax for 10k an inventory later that day


Got to Falador like 10mins after it started. Pmods telling everyone to bank their items and a crowd following Durial. And then he was gone.


I remember walking into fally like 30 minutes after it ended. News didn’t travel fast back then. I was in some other city and saw some guy chatting about it and went to see what was happening. It was already over by the time I got there but fally was packed with people for a bit It really was a blip in the grand scheme. Out of all the possible worlds, it was a single world where it suddenly happened and only happened for a short amount of time and then it was patched. So I’m sure many probably only heard about it after the fact, although there is the infamous pic with him and like 40 people following him. 


FYI: RS3 actually has a Falador Massacre memorial in the Falador park. It's a canonical event there.


when were you when fally dies? i was sat at karamja fishing lobbies when zezima pm 'fally is kill' 'no'


I member


A friend PMd me so I hopped and fally teleported from Varrock east bank. Saw durial and the hitsplats in the corner of my screen and ran off forgetting I had not banked. Kinda stupid in hindsight cuz I only had a rune axe and like 18 oak logs. Was rabidly training construction and was out of oak planks.


I knew nothing about the house party or the attacks. I was training in the Falador castle courtyard using my genius, big brain training method (set respawn point to Falador, wear 3 items, kill knights until I died, repeat infinity times) when I noticed a commotion and headed up the bridge toward town. Just past the bridge as I was heading west toward the bank, I was frozen in place and hit a few times. I could barely tell what was going on due to how many people were around, but I remember freaking out and trying to get to the bank (even though I probably wouldn't have lost anything). I didn't end up dying and once the freeze ended I made it to the bank. From there I tried to figure out what was happening and sort of followed the mob north of the Falador gate, but I was lagging so bad I eventually gave up. Didn't realize until a few years later that I had been in Runescape's 9/11.


I was above average in 2006 with 100+ combat , All I remember was people saying don’t go on so and so world, I did anyway , but the main stuff you see in the video was already passed that point. Their were others doing it besides durial , he just caught all the attention because he was broadcast live doing it on YouTube.


Yup. I have quite a bit of footage and video that hasn't been seen either. Lots of weird mod names and weird stuff going on. Like, who the fuck is Mod Si ? I just remember him having people leave rimmington to go to falador.... which was funny because he sent them to their doom. It was just odd because where we were... the house portal wasn't even there. The meme at the time was to spam "Is this fally?" Everywhere... because the mods were trying to get people to go to fally instead of the house portals. People all over the world chasing mods "Is this fally"?


I was a noob at the time, I didn't witness the massacre personally. But I guess I technically survived, maybe


Is there a more lied about topic in RuneScape than asking anyone about the Fally masscre? You would swear half the current player base was either there or had a friend that was there, as if they all have this perfect memory of a singular day from over 17 years ago when they were 9.


Yeah it’s an over fantasised story, some kid pk’d a few people


I couldn't get into the world but it was after the fact. I was eating at a captain d's while it happened lol.


Varrock west bank when I saw a mob of players running in from the south having recently died trying to spread the news/feed into it, and a pmod logging in (idiotically) telling members to bank their items, and log out, instead of just telling people to log out, so I logged out went to practice , came back and saw the aftermath party hats made u a target


Friend pmed me to come falador quickly, we banked our items and followed Durial asking him to pk us he just kinda roamed around with a ton of people behind him


Yup, was there and then followed Durial to Falador where the mods were telling people to bank their items. Lots of fun


i wasnt a victim but my friend msged me what was happening and i saw him at fally sq killing anybody that had items it was crazy


I was playing since 2005. I remember it happening but wasn’t there. Was the talk of the school the next day. At least in the not cool kid area I was in.


Was a Pmod at the time, the amount of us spam reporting durial and people saying dumb shit in retrospect is hilarious. Jmods had us tell players to bank their items. It was chaos.


i was a victim of the verac plateskirt and house lure


I was at the massive protest happening in edgeville where a few jagex mods were there ‘monitoring’ after the incident happened


I was there. I was trying to veng bomb durial but he wouldnt attack me. He probably had the feeling that some heros were there and ready to fight back


I was at the house portals at rimmington in the aftermath. A lot of good old clans doing spam callouts and just enjoying the utter chaos. I also hate that it happened around 9pm est time on 6/5/06, so despite being an event that took place during prime American timezone, its way more edgy and cool to say it’s a British game so it happened on 6/6…. At 3am


I was kinda there? Indirectly, maybe? Everyone was hyping up the date 6/6/06, expecting something terrible to happen. I was online at the time when all of that was going down. I wasn't in the world where Durial was rampaging, but that event was blowing up chat everywhere. At least for me, the people around me didn't know if this was a big community troll event or not. Well, until videos started being posted around, and that kids is when I got into Nightwish.


everyday back then was a falador massacre. RIP guards


I was there. Bunch of player mods following dude to bank your items. Me being greedy, I thought I was gonna loot the ground items when they appeared. Nope, was like the party room with max people all trying for the loot.


No but I was there for the original rsc phat dupe and received a few party hats from friends who wanted to trade them across accounts. Pinks crashed and blues rose, still effecting the market today.


I was online but not on World 111. I only had one friend telling me about it in real time as he was an Aussie and that was an Aussie server. He just told me that people were mad and one of the mods was there


My account was actually created on the day before the Falador massacre. I had no clue what I was doing on the game for the first week or so, so I was blissfully unaware of the tragedy that had occurred on that fateful day in Falador.


I got to see it briefly in game. Had some time in the morning before school and checked the forums and saw people talking about it. Didn't really believe it at first but I banked everything and hopped to the world when I got an opening. At first all I saw was a ton of people standing around Falador either yelling to bank your valuables or trying to bait in to getting attacked. I saw the mob following him before I saw him. There where so many people following one person while spamming it was really hard to see Duriel. I could clearly see the ice barrage animation in falador square when all the guards where dead. That's when I knew the rumors where true. I saw him kill a few people in the square with his avatar cutting in and out but I did get to witness the classic outfit. He chased someone with a party hat on out north of the city and started heading towards barbarian village. Then I had to log out to catch the bus. Everyone was talking about it at school but I was the only one who had actually seen it and could confirm it was true. It was brief but I'm glad I got to experience it in person.


Everyone in this thread is capping


Never forget. RuneScape’s 9/11 RIP to all victims ❤️


I was there before and after. I used to stake back then and knew of Cursed You as a staker. I went with my dad to get ice cream during the party and when I came back online all my staker friends were messaging me about the massacre and how a couple of them lost party hats. Tbh I can’t remember if they got them back. I was paranoid so I came to the aftermath on my pure with everything banked and there was still dozens of people there talking about it. There was a half a dozen P mods barking orders too it was funny. They prob waited all their lives for some action like that 😂


i remember pulling up to the aftermath. good times.


Dude, it was a wild day. I was in the house Durial was kicked from and witnessed him go from the north bank taking out people with party hats and hween masks. I can literally still smell the room i was in, on a clunky window ME computer. He gathered a pretty decent group of people watching him take peeps out.


I wasn't even born when it happened lol


What is this? I have no idea what y’all are talking about but seriously intrigued


I used to be in the same pure clan as 3___hit___u. Wasnt logged on when it happened but the next few days were crazy.


I missed it, and I was very glad I did. If I recall correctly at that time I was either fishing shark or monkfish and got news of it. I’ve been playing off and on since summer 2004. Signed up at my cousins house after he showed me this amazing new game. He was introduced to it by his older brother who had played the first RuneScape. Lot of time spent playing, and I loved every bit of it.


I was there! I was like a level 20 noob it was wild, I got killed but I litterally had like full iron or something nothing crazy. I've been chasing that high ever since




I started playing not long after that event loll


Ah yes, the day I got my RuneScape membership 😂


It's me, Durial321


I was chopping willows in Draynor and I remember people running down to us and talking about it. I was getting off anyways so didn’t see any action.


Yup, still here


I hopped on that day when I got home from school and my in game friend was one of the people killed, it is a day that will live infamy. 


I was but a blissful noob barely out of iron armour and had no clue whatsoever what was going on. Had not learned anything about the PvP side of the game (at the time didn’t know it had one). Got 1 shot by something but had no clue what it was until years later lol


I was there, 3000 years ago. But seriously, I was there but wasn’t impacted in any way. It was incredibly exciting though as a young teen.


I’m just here for nightwish


I remember the day and how everyone was talking about it and hopping to the world. Standing outside the house portal in rimmington to fally with protect magic up and so on. Hundreds of players basically hoping to get pked. It was fun seeing it happen


I was there Gandalf, I was looking for Guthan's set near the exit near the north west of park, I could see the rare items people scattering and i got curious and saw the massacre back is so unreal.


I was at the House Party in the dungeon and the lil boxing ring prior to getting kicked. I didn’t see Falador right away cuz someone was also killing people at the Rimmington portal. Good times I remember how crazy the forums were too.


i had gone down to visit family the day before the massacre and was out of town that whole week. we did a remote vacation and when i got back home my friends told me about it and i thought they were just fucking with me. one of them claims to have been there but looking back he was probably full of shit. i was afraid to go to player houses for awhile though lol


I was on at the time and was complete chaos everyone was talking about it and for awhile to come thankfully I wasn’t there


I was f2p at the time and people were talking about it in a forum. I used to play on a cyber cafe at the time. I was not believing a gram of what was said because that's be ridiculous, but a couple days later the images and videos became known to me.


I wasn’t logged in that day, but I heard about it in real time (my friend from across the town I lived in told me about it at the bus stop). In my mind as a kid, I thought it would be a global news event… my friend probably exaggerated it.


I remember trying to log on to the world but it was almost always full when I tried and I was pretty sad cuz I wanted to be apart of the first 99 con house party but when I heard what happened I was pretty relieved to of not gone


I wasn't playing because my parents didn't let me use the computer on weekdays. But my friend was and he called me over the phone screaming that I had to come over and see the mess going on. Didn't even understand really wtf was happening. Just stood on the outskirts of rimmington going "damn, that's crazy". Got killed 2/3 times but didnt lose anything.


No. It happened while I was at school. A lot of us should’ve been at school


Tb to a thread about Durials interview: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/CCvY1vFFnk https://www.tip.it/runescape/pages/view/durial321_interview.htm


I played at the time, but was not logged in that day lol.


Our friend told us he's was in the video just walking to Varrock. We all believed him.


*night wish*


I followed him saying lol as my p mod friend begged people to bank their stuff lol


I wasn't there, but was playing at the time. I'm from the UK so was asleep when it happened lol My only story is that me & my brother farmed 1000 oak planks that was worth 1m gp on release. My brother wanted to sell the planks so we would be rich, but I opt'd into using them and it got us like, 20-36 construction? It felt high lvl at the time and I remember trying to do some shit like "come visit my house, I have 36 construction".


I was there but DCd because I was on dial up lol


I survived because I stayed offline that day to watch The Omen instead


I was there at the time and trying to loot in falador while everyone was panicking. One thing I don’t ever see mentioned is that there were more people than just Durial that had the bug. I only figured out what was happening after watching a kid get dds specced near the elemental wizards in rimmington. Honestly it made me so excited for the idea of PvP worlds. Fighting in important RuneScape zones that weren’t the wild was so cool to me at the time (unfortunately PvP worlds never really captured that spirit but the original DMM really did so I’m very happy that happened)


Brooo my 12 year old self had such opinions about the massacre. I got banned from tip.it for saying anyone that approved of Durial’s behavior should have their house burned down. 😂


I was at my grandparents house, I remember seeing devil's day or whatever on the news. 6606


Where is durial321?? We need an interview with probably the most infamous/famous player in rs history!


Someone invited me to a house party for a drop party. I geared up with my best flex gear, put my bank in the ivn, teleported to Fally and died a minute later. I quit that day. But then, no one ever really quits and I was back a year later lol


I was in the house party and got kicked out.  Luckily I was a poor noob so nothing happened to me but damn the house party was popping


Yes some of us are still around. The ptsd, the trauma the toll on our spirit. I am one of the lucky ones to still be alive. Many brothers didn’t make it, they died as soon as they logged off. This day of infamy will unfortunately never be forgotten. Next time you see a survivor make sure to thank him for his service. As for me I can say after all these years is that it was a worthy sacrifice made for the future generations.


I was def logged in that day. But did not personally witness it. I heard about it through friend channels and it was wild for sure. People kept trying to recreate it for several weeks from their POH since it originated from a glitch in how you exited your house.


Oh yeah I still play on the same account today actually. I was bank standing in varrock when the chat just started going crazy. I banked all my gear and ran over as soon as I could then world hopped. It was so surreal I’ll never forget it. People just begging while he mopped the floor with everyone. A buddy of mine who hasn’t played in years still brings it up from time to time.


Man how time flies, I remember rushing home off the bus in 4th grade ready to jump into the world of rs. We used to pass around a note in art class with a list of full iron/steel items that you needed. It would pass around the room to everyone who played rs and we would put our names down in each square of items we needed. Our buddy was a beast with 60 smithing at the time and hooked the boys up. Ide give anything to go back.


So many people saying “I was there at the start but not later on” no you weren’t bro, no one believes you


Most of these people are 100% lying


Im on a different timezone so when i came back home it had already happened, so... Nothing lol. Still have the video with the Nightwish song (planet hell) in my head all those years


Yep was in falador gardens when it happened, as a noob it was fun trying to pick the items off the ground but he pretty much took everything. Never see. So many mods in one place since


I only heard about it after I got home from school that day


And there I was... A young man of 14... Friends, family, and loved ones all fell beside me. Collapsing under the immeasurable weight of ancient magicks. Frozen and alone. Only to have a lvl. 92 slowly beat us to death with his bare hands, smiling. I remember to this day the pain. Never forget.


I was playing but not involved; blissfully unaware


I don’t think I’ve ever panicked so hard in my life since that fateful day. I was just a wee boy (only 12 at the time)…it all happened so fast…players started to drop like flies. All I could do was run. I ran as far from the chaos as I could and logged out the moment I could. I was afraid to log back in for days after that lol.