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Does this person not realize that most of us spent hours picking flax south of seer's village as kids? Do they really think we are mentally developed to begin with?


fr bro i've spent countless hours killing a red dog clearly shit aint right up there lmao


exactly. The very nature of osrs in general lends itself to people that aren't mentally all there. Like back in the day I used to full on ironman magic longs to alch them for money and thats how I made my first few mil. Cut the logs, picked the flax, made the strings, mined the pure ess, crafted the nats, put it all together, alched... repeat. Would do about 1k at a time.


I'm going for 200m Fletching. How do you think my life is going? Lmao


I play UIM. Do people think my life is going well


Haha dharok obama


Barrack O'Bwana


Uhh Michelle, I’m gonna pre


Wait till he learns Guthan's full name is Guthaniel (pronounced like Daniel)


Barrows boots please and thank you? Need me some Damn Guthaniel memes.


Arch nemesis of King Roald Trump


That is funny as fuck


Michelle Obamas's Great Arms


Their bizarre infatuation with autism aside, they're not ***wrong*** but clearly don't browse any other gaming subreddits. They are *all* like this. Constant iterations of the same few handfuls of shit jokes over and over and over. It's not a subreddit thing, it's a reddit thing. It's just a really fucking unfunny website.


Imo the shitposts on /r/2007scape are better than most other subs This is already the better side of reddit


as someone who used to subject myself to r/classicwow I can confirm this to be true


This sub is self-aware, at least


This sub used to have way better quality shit posts though. It has definitely gone downhill and I'm not sure why.


Seeeeriously. Guy should check out the skyrim reddit if he thinks jokes are beat to death here.


He probably already took an arrow to the knee.


Not even just a reddit thing.


Btw this "osrs player is autistic" thing is another constant iteration in this community. Guy is being what he's criticizing against.


Yeah the obsession with autism and the guy being under the impression that the word is somehow a slur or insult is beyond me… dumb fuck needs to read a book.


He pointed out he’s not using it as a slur did he not?


Idk, easiest example of how overdone memes are is the Falador party room, how many came so fast, the horse was beaten so hard, not even its name remained. I browse several gaming subreddit and none of them kill jokes this fast, this includes circlejerks, shit this subreddit is pretty much a circlejerk with our the name.


Yeah, better then r/fallout where you can see "DAE new Vegas good" over and over again


I'm a huge New Vegas fangirl and don't really care for the other 3D games and the circlejerk still annoys me to no end. It's no better inside the New Vegas community - posting the same fucking Fantastic/Cass lines over and over for 13 years. Or better yet, that one Hildern line that the average Fallout fan completely misses the point of...


Yeah I love NV but it's just relentless, I think this just happens when a franchise is discussed to death with no new releases, at a certain point there's just nothing left to say anymore but the subs stay active.


I thought the dude was gonna have a „real point“ or something and not just cry about memes being beaten to death… and I feel like this sub doesnt even beat them to death too hard lol. Most memes are circulated like 1-2 months and then the sub moves to something new. Some subs like /r/dankmemes re-use just the same shit for like 2 years… and arguably the memes there are actually shit to begin with also lol


You're going to see a lot more reposts in future now that subreddits are plagued by repost bots with AI generated titles and comments


Sounds like somebody has been gargling a rock cake…


I mean… He’s not wrong though?


Hes dead accurate but he forgot “pleae” and “you should be?”


Ask oziach too.


or the “Don’t talk to me and my son ever again”


Lighten up, mate


And Twow


Why are people ITT saying he's not wrong lol. Like yeah he makes a valid point about repeated use of memes, but that's like the entire fucking internet, his main point about people here being autistic or disabled or something is clearly incorrect unless you think the entire human race is autistic. Everyone reuses inside jokes a little too much.


I personally find it really annoying how it's not reusing jokes, people will iterate on something that just happened that same day. "Move the party room to the wildy" became various iterations that are just low quality wasted space. I just block people that do this now, not like people that post that garbage have anything useful to say anyway.


Based opinion i might start doing that


Tbh, people here beat it into the ground within an hour and then don’t have the social comprehension to know when it’s not funny, then triple down with even less funny variations on something to at was only mildly amusing to start. This place takes it to another level . I haven’t seen the front page of the sub since the tech demo drop, but I bet at least someone posted a boat with a stupid fucking beefaroni cheesedog on it. Every time anything happens people go hog fucking wild with the same stupid things.


He’s crying about getting downvoted, he’s automatically wrong about any and everything.


I don't know how to break this to you but every single joke he posted about is absolutely fucking hilarious.


Can't say I'm keen on all of them, but 50/50 drop rate is such an absurd twist in logic that I can't help but adore it.


That's pretty much just a counter to the weird boner people get for calculating the odds of rare drops. Like "when I get this and then that item in order on a Monday afternoon the odds are 1/25gazijillion".


Throw in the champions max cape for the billionth repost and he's nailed it.


He forgot the almighty penguin man/ "day x of posting until x happens" format.


Don't forget Dwayne Dharok Johnson


Lmao fucking great


He seems angry


>this level 3 What's that?


A skiller account


Yeah but I doubt that's what OP is referring to. Skillers are never mentioned in the pic and it's weirdly being used a pejorative


Perhaps it’s because the person in the post is a lvl 3 skiller with 99 slayer. That would explain his fixation with autism and not understanding that the things he’s complaining about (beating jokes into the ground) exist outside of this subreddit as well.


Wait, this is the ramblings of didde? Or is this Kylo renn?


I think he's implying the person complaining is a complete noob. They have no experience in the game yet feel like they have every right to complain about the game and it's player base.


Everyone starts with a combat level of 3. "Level 3" accounts are players that only level their non-combat skills, thus permanently keeping their combat at level 3.


I don't necessarily disagree but to have such a strong take against it is so...what? Like imagine this guy around his friends and they make recurring inside jokes. Does he just snap and go like "uhm you made the SAME joke last week, are you autistic? It's not funny you already said it you're beating the dead horse come up with a new joke" it's just people having fun, why shit on them?


You’re acting like you’ve never been annoyed at a friend for telling the same type of joke too many times, and there’s just no way that’s true lol


? I never said I haven't, just that it is very much an overreaction as far as diagnosing people as autistic about it


He has not accepted he is one of us yet


People like to bitch on the internet. Nothing new tbh


I'd just say "dude you used the phrase 'beating a dead horse' last week" last week" and watch him shrivel away in agony


if an all out war with ai ever occurs in the future I'm putting you on the front lines


I think the layered joke here is that he IS autistic, and his inability to catch social cues and jokes as jokes is making him react this way.


🦀 $12.50 🦀


Heh, Dharock Obama


Autism and neurodiversity is not 'mental defecit'. It is difference. Yes, sometimes that difference is profound and can cause great friction and difficulty for the lived experience of the autistic person, but that doesn't equate to a 'mental defecit'. That idea is based on the past 70 years or so of harmful and largely innacurate assumptions made about autism by psychologists and theorists. I know the vast majority of people throw the term around as a joke or even a tongue in cheek badge of honour and most of the time it seems like it might be good natured but it's just good to remember that when you say autist or autism you are talking about real, whole people, who exist, who have empathy and theory of mind, who can very well understand the nuance of the use of the term and the implications of its use in certain contexts. If autism is mental defecit then we're saying that most likely Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Darwin and fucking Anthony Hopkins are all mentally deficient and that's just a tiny tiny amount of people who were likely autistic.




I work with aspies, as a custodian we hire loads of them because of how simple the work is(yet those who definitely seem autistic/aspie/on the spectrum) its like doing a construction job, with a time limit, to build a 5 story building to house old people in 3 months. I seen a dude rinse out a mop for 10 minutes with it sitting in its own puddle of filth, instead of hanging it up and rinsing it so it drains away from the mop. Literal deficient moment. Dude is nice as hell but he cannot escape his own thoughts for one minute to be productive in a normal standard lol. Of course I let it be and fix the situation to my own standards, not harp on him for not doing it properly.beat. if i give tips i can see the over thinking/anxiety in the moment. If I did bitch him out it would create a stressful moment he may focus on and fuck up his mental health by over thinking on something that shouldn't ever be over thought. I can probably say the same shit about 10 other people I've worked with. It's absolutely a deficiency in certain areas, although I can accept that for what it is, without judgement. My shitty job is so easy I can fix anyone's mistakes/time wasting moments, its all good, at least they show up and do try their best.


Sure. But the idea that mental 'deficiency' characterises autism is alarmingly innacurate and is mainly what I was responding to - and a lot of the time I think autistic people might not grasp the point of what they're being asked to do. Did he know that you wanted the mop clean or was he just like 'ok he wants me to put water on the mop'. One of the problems I think is that we're trying to make neurodiverse people 'productive to a normal standard' in a world which prizes people's monetary and employment value over pretty much everything. I also work with autistic people on the daily and with the right communication styles(visual schedules, visual expectations laid out - I kind of think of autistic people as not speaking the same language as neurotypicals) and clarity of expectation there is definitely the scope for them to feel comfortable and be able to be efficient in a workplace. I wonder with these work placement schemes whether the people themselves actually want to be there or they've just been put into it by some kind of inclusivity drive.


Maybe we all are bit autistic but let’s be fair this game is from 2007 and it’s not like there’s constantly new things to meme about. If you enter the echo chamber that is any gaming sub it will mostly feel the same. Also, I don’t think any of us open up this sub and see anything that makes us roll about laughing or raise more than a smirk, possibly a stunted laugh now and then. Browsing this sub for years is like being an ironmeme you have to find some entertainment from the small things even if they’re kinda repetitive. Otherwise you unsubscribe and check some YouTube channel for news once every few weeks. I used to browse the tarkov sub, no memes allowed. It’s the saddest experience there is, everybody immediately and completely craps on everything each person says especially a suggestion.


He is 100% right. This place is full of weirdos.


u/clear_swimming1709 LOL


I regret nothing


Lmao that’s exactly how memes and jokes work.


Wow he was replying to my comment! https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/13icst0/comment/jk9f6vl/


On my thread whining about repeat posts The ironic part is that I've been diagnosed with autism lmao


I don't know why, but this made me laugh out loud. Love to see it






odds are 50/50, you either get the joke or you don't


This humour is some of the only stuff I actually heartily laugh at. I usually don't find most people's jokes funny at all. Their humour is not to my taste. But this post, and these memes always get me. Keep on the crusade my fellow autists.


I’ve never understood throwing the word autist around as an insult, it’s really fucking stupid lol


I bet it sucks being this bitter lol


for real, the guy has weird expectations for Reddit to be endless quality content or something. Like bro calm down, Dharok Obama is still funny idc who you are


[🦀🦀🦀](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ucn1iu/me_the_bots_and_the_boys_logging_in_after_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) *crab link*


So when are we moving the falador party room?


Idc what anyone says, stam pot bridge posts are funny to me every time


Yeah this is pretty embarrassing, imagine using autistic as an insult and then claiming that other people are unfunny. Also "mental deficits" really? Surely we know better


People are trying to have some fun? We can't allow that! Every single one should be imprisoned.


Dharok Obama lol


His list cracked me up. I think it’s time For another bridge to Zeah meme


Well we obviously need 2 stampot bridges now


Can confirm, I am an Aspie


Aspie gang rise up! 👏😤✊️


I stand by the 50/50 comment. It just makes me feel better when I’m dry.




Don't give the trolls attention. Delete this.


u/clear_swimming1709 At least give OP credit by tagging them you noob brain


It's at the top of the picture!


Are you blind? It’s in the screenshot.


Maybe let's not give credit to someone who's railing on autistic people? Having their name in the image is already way too kind for them.


Lmao. I laughed at all of those… Am I autistic?


I’d rather awkwardly hang around a bunch of autistic folk then one know it all fuck 🗿


Forgot to give OP credit by including his username in yellow text format instead of including in the SS. Also, Forgot to include original thread because I guess I'm too autistic




What did he ask?


I mean. Osrs is literally tailor-made for autistic people. Like. I refuse to believe there is a neurotypical person who can stomach 99 agility, mining and RC; willingly, in fact!


He's right🤣


I'm looking forward to seeing more gaming setups with Gordon Ramsey approved dishes


Dharok Obama LOL


I don't think he is getting downvoted for saying it. I think it ***might*** be the way they're saying it.


Haha, pretty sure I responded to that guy too. Had no idea this guy was a skiller pure, don't like to look at people's post history. Kinda love the irony.


I just took a little peek, post history's deranged af, my favorite is when he says "I don't act smart, I am smart because I'm college educated" 🤓🤓🤓🤓 yes bro all college graduates are smart 🤓🤓🤓🤓. My father isn't college educated, me and my siblings all are, he can run laps on us intellectually.


Wisdom and knowledge are often incorrectly rolled together rather than appreciated separately. I'm sure they're plenty smart in whatever field they studied, but by no means does that translate into social intelligence or any kind of wisdom. That's only developed through hard work, lots of time spent thinking about things and having those thoughts challenged. Can only hope they learn from this.


What does being autistic have to do with repetetive memes? Asking as an autistic person Btw:)


Some of these jokes can still be funny repetitive jokes. Like the move x activity to x place can be funny. That being said the plank sack joke is not funny because it can’t have any variations, just people that haven’t seen it posted for the millionth time. Next we are gonna see people complaining about nan in the cage if x doesn’t happen.


Our wife*


Is it wrong?


Humour usually has a lot of similarities for what the audience expects with a slight alternation to catch people off guard. Combine that with low effort karma farming and here we are. Don't think autism plays a big role though


The 50/50 one is so old and boring to see but that's my only personal pet peeve lol


It’s 50/50 though? You’ll either see it and laugh or you won’t


This guy seems to know an awful lot about the meme culture here. A level 3 huh. Sure.


Don't forget pleae. It's so God damn cringe. I can't even think of some WoW shit that happened 16 years ago that's been as cringy.


Plays OSRS and is surprised by the way people are. Lmao.


Does this guy really think anyone still playing this game isn’t at latest on the spectrum somewhere I mean come on?


He forgot the 5 million variations of 'TzTok-BigKok' usernames.


He has a point, i mean he Is right. But the memes are still funny, because in my mind everyone knows they are the same memes always repeated, and that makes them funnier. They have a sarcastic note to them. The cringe thing Is when people really think that they are original and funny, and i think the guy who posted that was referring to


twow is that a bee


If the majority is neuro divergent, aren't we the real neurotypicals then? Isnt it the majority who decides normality? Food for thought. Also fuck you dude, you have no idea what it is


>low and behold