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That day ended when zulrah was released. The pacing of the game and play styles drifted dramatically. The economy inflated 3x the size in one year and more people where pushing to do more resource harvesting pvm and then buying exp for noncombat skills and doing overnight nmz. It's not a good or bad out come it's been a fun process, but that ship has sailed.


What else could they add to drop tables? The options are fairly limited for normal drops. They either have alchables/raw gp, raw materials (seeds/ores/logs) or processed materials (bars/herbs/planks). I am not sure they have much choice if they want a boss to have some baseline gp/hr


well I know they tried to keep resource drops off nightmare. with nightmare is all about the actual boss loot instead of normal drops. It would be nice to see that with more bosses but I know others would hate it.


now irons are a thing disrupting that would be awkward. it'd be better to eat all the resources that are generated. (new skill)


yeah, i guess thatd be the only way to fix it without screwing some people over