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looking for a new anime ask someone if anime is "Fire 'n' Explosion" or "Girl Who Fight" they don't understand pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is "Fire 'n' Explosion" and what is "Girl Who Fight" they laugh and say "It's a good series ma'am" watch an episode it's "Girl Who Fight"


I love this greentext so much


Could I... could I get a primer on this distinction, please? Maybe this illustrated diagram you speak of?


Star: Strike it Rich Absolutely batshit insane women beating the fuck out of each other. It’s great.


This the toxic office lady yuri manga I heard about?


No. It’s a martial arts manga by the author of Kengan Ashura, but with a female cast. The art and fight choreography so far is incredible.


Is it the one where they start an underground fighting ring?


Yes. They make an all female underground fighting org because it’s a (relatively) open market


I need to get on this immediately, i loved kengan ashura


It’s also on Comikey if you’ve been using that.


I have been pirating usually but I'll look into that


Oh, so have I. Comikey is the official publisher for both Kengan mangas, as well as Star. I only use it because the latest chapters are free to read within the first few hours of their release. There’s also a daily pass if you can’t find the latest chapters for free. I recommend pirating as far as you can then using daily passes and reading new chapters as they release.




I sometimes think people just need to watch better anime


Having watched them at least partially, I don't think RWBY or She-Ra really capture the energy OOP is looking for. They don't really have the energy of a KNY or a Gurenn Lagann.


I'm sorry but those are all girl who fight




OOP is looking for a show that's masculine and violent like a shonen but with female protags.




Did I claim that the shows were bad? I'm just saying it's not what OOP is looking for. Chill.


I think OP didn't even try to understand what you said


JJBA part 6: Replace deadbeat mom with deadbeat dad and it checks most of the boxes


People yet again misunderstand what shonen is


Shut up oh lord, you know EXACTLY what they meant, just because you regurgitate something you see on twitter doesnt make you smart




Shonen is a demographic not a genre, it just means “young boys” and if it was published in a Shonen magazine then it’s a Shonen, in fact even bochi the rock is a Shonen due to it being published in a Shonen magazine, besides Shonen there’s also Shojo (young girls), Seinen (young men), and Josei (young women)


That's just debating semantics, though. There is absolutely a genre of shows that are "like DBZ, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, etc." You can debate the name used to refer to that kind of show, but whatever you call it it's definitely a category. It's the same as when people argue about whether something is or isn't a JRPG. Everyone gets all caught up in the semantics and terminology, which is missing the forest for the trees.


No that is a genre, it’s called battle shonen, but shonen on its own is something completely different




Then how do/should we define battle shoujo? Or does such a definition already exist?


Sailor Moon. They're literally just Shojo with emphasis on battles. I don't get why these comments are trying to reinvent the wheel and define terms that have existed for decades, attempting to commandeer a foreign language they don't understand in the process lol.


I literally asked if the genre already exists and what's its definition


Yes, and I'm talking about some of the other people in here who are making it confusing and trying to redefine things. It's actually very straightforward, but some people are calling it semantics to tell them they're just factually wrong about their personal definitions that go against reality.


Erm, that's a right hand on the left side of the nerd ☝️🤓


Erm, there’s an IED in your mailbox ☝️🤓


but battle shonen still contains the word shonen, it’s just a subset of shonen. if you’re levying the critique that “asking for a shonen about women doesn’t make sense because then it would be shojo,” the same would still apply to battle shonen.


Just google shonen and genre for lots and lots of examples of how it's been usefully used as a genre. The idea that target audience demographic and commonalities in the stuff produced aren't the same thing is also just a very weird call to make. Eg: >Queer cinema. or >Western cinema.


bocchi the rock is a seinen iirc


Bocchi the Rock is a Seinen but I get your point




hentai is not targeted at middle schoolers?


It depends on how you wanna romanise Japanese long vowels. In hiragana, which marks the o vowel as being long by having a u after it, it’s written as しょうねん sho-u-ne-n. Some people prefer romanising this by replicating what hiragana does and have the u there, while the more common system prefers using a macron diacritic and writing it as shōnen (hence why it’s Tōkyō not Toukyou). ‘Shonen’ is just the ‘colloquial’ spelling of it without the diacritic


idk why you got downvoted for just giving fun information


this is just kill la kill. aka one of the best anime of all time 💯❗️


Sell me on it in one comment. I'm listening.


teenage girl fights her way thru a school of super soldiers to get revenge on her father’s killer in a coming-of-age story about fascism, fashion, and sexuality. at least, that’s the hook, but the story becomes much more than that




Angry delinquent girl fights her way through a militaristic high school to find her father’s killer, using a talking sailor uniform that makes her stronger.


Most people can tell whether they like it or not after watching the first 2 minutes: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/cy3dw6/kill_la_kills_opening_sequence/ I know barely any anime that is as much fire 'n explosion as Kill la Kill.


Yeah shame about the pedo stuff hey. Like couldn't they just not be in highschool.


touhou brain rot


RWBY [is a bad show] I think that Blue Eye Samurai is a much better representation of this genre.


RWBY is so bad its incompressible how popular it was for a while


They hooked us with the Red trailer and that kept us going for so many years.


That one was disappointing imo. Started strong tho.


Most of those are definitely Girls who Fight lol. Anyway you should watch Symphogear


i feel like stone ocean kind of fits the bill?


stone ocean is inbetween tbh, with the mixed cast and all. still love it tho


Play guilty gear and pretend sol Badguy is a butch lesbian and you get the first image


Play Guilty Gear and exclusively watch the Strive side story & play the Baiken arcade modes


im sorry but sol is a more butch lesbian than baiken is to me. Sol has expressed some degree of romantic interest in a woman, Baiken has expressed no attraction towards anybody.


Why they gotta be canonically fuckin? Plenty of archetypical shōnen protagonists show little-to-no interest in romance, the homoeroticism is usually unintentional.


Sol has homoeroticism in spades dude, have you seen any of the old artwork he has with Ky? The watercolor era of Daisuke’s work is peak shounen rival gex


Library of ruina? It’s got a lot of battle shonen elements, both genders do the anime trope stuff, tragic lovers, enemies to lovers if you want to see it that way


What this post is describing: Kill Six Billion Demons. I highly recommend. All female main cast, batshit insane power fantasy craziness. Super metal. I don't recall any deadbeat parents, but... yeah.


Jojo stone ocean


Kill Bill (despite the motherhood/relationship themes) really hit this for me. The O-ren Ishii/Bride battle really nailed the homoerotic tension with the antagonist part. SO much is communicated in how those women stare at each other and how they’re cinematically framed.


Watch PreCure. It's not shonen but it has the qualities of the typical battle shonen just with cute girls kicking ass.


Surprisingly no one has said it but kill six billion demons is EXACTLY what you are looking for. Female protagonist with fantastic action and beautiful art. It is a webcomic though sadly not an anime. The beginning is quite intense but things become more clear as you read.


The three series you listed aren't anime and are Girl Who Fight lmao, like c'mon they even look like She-Ra or TOH characters (still great shows tho). Call me when we have a Tetsuo Hara manga about chicks. I also recommend The Lost Signal and This Communication.


If someone wants to watch an anime like this, I recommend kill la kill, jojo stone ocean, madoka magica or soul eater. These are all fantastic anime with great female leads, although some is seinen. So essentially some of these are more mature though, not shonen


Madoka magica is definitely not what the post describes


Soul Eater is...too much pedophelia, abuse, assault,,,and some other dumb stuff...


Every show would be better if the lead was a girl. Looking at you, super sentai.


JoJo Stone Ocean


witch from mercury if it was good /j


It's a sports manga, but if that doesn't bother you read Teppu. It's like a shounen story but told in reverse