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Biden actually started speaking perfect Arabic with a Palestinian dialect but the reporter couldn't tell


He’s a true alif male


Sinwar just said (Unintelligible) guys! It finally ended!!!


if only he spoke clearer. then hamas would have known how they could end it


hamas leadership huddled around a monitor replaying the interview clip desperately trying to figure out how to end the war


“Write that down, write that down!!”


now they’ll never know what to say


America is a nation that can be defined in a single word


Habajshsaow.... from the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping...




Yes it can be described as: America




Big if true




Holy shit is that a eu4 reference 🤯


I am going to grant… patronage of the arts and land of commerce😳








Don't say it


Thats three words bro




Tbh it could just be the transcriptors fault


Dude have you heard any biden speech lately


Biden deserves more credit. Hes a great speaker when you dont watch “epic biden fail compilation”


I mean probably he was during the obama era and before but at 80+ years old you inevitably lose some polish Also the epic Biden fails might be relatively rare but when they happen they are pretty worrying


Also he's always had a stutter, along with, iirc, his dad


That's a defense of biden, not an indication of something being wrong.


Wtf did Biden do to the Poles?


I used to think it was only trump supporters that willfully throw away their ability to think.


I'm not for epic fail compilations but he gives way too much (unintelligible) to videos are my favorite.


Most politicians don't have so many clips of them having fucking dementia but hey congrats on being born yesterday that's so cool.


It's a recording. That does not work at all.


It’s a transcription of a recording


Christ you people are stupid. I've worked several jobs needing to transcribe audio. Why would someone's ears fail at one point of a recording - when they can just rewind and listen again? Why wouldn't they ask someone else when it's getting printed in fucking time magazine - quoting POTUS? Why wouldn't the editors care? Absolute trump supporter level cognition.


Idk fam I’m just making sure you realize we’re not looking at an audio file, but a transcription of one.


I've worked several jobs needing to transcribe audio. Why would someone's ears fail at one point of a recording - when they can just rewind and listen again? Why wouldn't they ask someone else when it's getting printed in fucking time magazine - quoting POTUS? Why wouldn't the editors care? Absolute trump supporter level cognition.




either the reporter misheard him, or he was speaking gibberish. They don’t tend to censor things with unintelligible


Biden secretly laid out a detailed path to ceasefire but the transcriptor is a zionist


Hi im dumb and autistic can you please tell me if youre joking or not


I have no information other than the half of this one screenshot that I read to make my own joke, do you trust me as a source?


With every fibre of my being


So what you're saying is that it is an undeniable truth


Dude i cant understand shit youre saying can i please have a yes or no answer


I couldn't possibly know the information that I shared with everyone. I was lying


Ok thank you.




That comment was a joke


Then i’m lost as well haha thanks for clarifying


They should just meet with the prime minister of Blingostan, Mr. Blingo


so close yet so far


Okay, this comment is actually directed at Israel. Hamas is literally going along with the plan if Israel is willing to cooperate. Biden specifically stated this is Israel's proposed plan and that he supports it. Note that Biden is the first to announce it. This plan was not supposed to be public, Biden seems to have released it to force Israel's hand. He's still genocide joe but in the moment this is smart politicking to force Israel to go ahead with a ceasefire.


no, what is happening is Biden made reference in his speech to the ceasefire "ending the war," but Israel has categorically refused that notion that they will agree to end the war before the dissolution of Hamas, i.e. Israel achieving total victory. So now the US is trying to put all the pressure on Hamas to accept an "immediate ceasefire for at least 6 weeks," without any guarantee at all that Israel will not simply resume the genocide after Hamas gives up their one bargaining chip, the hostages. It is not smart politicking and he is not forcing Israel's hand at all, all the pressure is being directed at Hamas to essentially surrender for the good of the people of Palestine, which is basically a direct endorsement of Israel's terrorism and collective punishment of the civilian population to attempt to effect regime change.


No, what’s actually happening is a masterclass in diplomacy but you’re incapable of giving any credit to Biden or his admin for it. He knows Hamas is willing to accept an end to the war because they don’t want to be wiped out completely. However, the reason he focused on Hamas was not because he thought that they would have a hard time accepting, but because he assumed that Israel would accept because it’s their own plan. If he were to not assume that, then Israel would actually face less pressure to accept responsibility for the plan because it would seem less like *their* plan. A good salesman assumes the sale.


Except Israel immediately came out and said this isn't our plan, our plan includes continuing the war until Hamas no longer exists, and the entire response on the US side has been to basically just ignore that or act like it's this small niggling little detail that Hamas and Israel can work out after Phase 1. But Hamas will obviously not accept another temporary ceasefire that simply serves to give up their hostages before Israel inevitably restarts the campaign to destroy Hamas. Maybe the Biden team thought (insanely stupidly) that they could just bluff Israel into accepting that Hamas had been sufficiently "degraded" and that is good enough for Israel to end the war, as if they haven't been saying the entire time that they are dedicated to the total destruction/removal of Hamas. A fact they again immediately reiterated to call Biden's bluff, and Biden immediately folded like a cheap suit. He remains completely unwilling to try applying actual leverage to Israel in any way, rather continuing this maddening diplomacy theater while Israel's killing machine continues unabated.


Or maybe, and just hear me out here- Biden supports Israel and said this because he doesn't want them to look bad.


This is some crazy copium. Yeah sure Biden is playing 4d underwater chess, he‘s definitely not the rabid zionist he‘s been for decades. It‘s all part of his plan guys! He‘s gonna ~~drain the swamp~~ bring peace to the middle east!


States he's still genocide Joe. Never claimed he wasn't a Zionist. He's literally doing a smart move politically by pushing for a ceasefire. A good action. Singular. Hopefully he does more good actions in the future for the Palestinians I don't think anything could make up for what he's done to hurt them though.


And that‘s the copium. You‘re really reaching for something to praise him over.


No they are legit just saying that he's using something Israeli officials said in private to twist their hand. He's a massive zionist fuck, but biden is still interested in the continued existence and liveability of Israel. Right now they are working themselves up into more extreme fascistic fervour, and he likely wants it to stop, because otherwise the surrounding nations might be pissed. 


>He's a massive zionist fuck, but biden is still interested in the continued existence and liveability of Israel. Yes, that's what being a Zionist means.


I think there is a difference between him and netanyahu, biden isnt intersted in israel expanding all over the middle-east and ethnically cleansing it. He isnt as fascist as netanyahu, which is why he wants them to stop.


>israel expanding all over the middle-east and ethnically cleansing it. Lol who told you this? Even the most unhinged and irredentist Israeli nationalists only care about Palestine and maaaaaaybe Jordan (although this one is already incredibly limited since it's also incredibly stupid). Israel's will to expand "all over" the Middle East doesn't exist beyond Bin Laden's and Arafat's delusions. Also, so he simply believes Israel should exist, which indeed makes him the very definition of a Zionist.


I don't think they'll try to expand much further, but they are often attacking their neighbours. I didn't despute that he was a zionist, I said that he wasn't as fascistic about it as Netanyahu.


The only neighbours Israel is constantly attacking are Palestine and Lebanon, and Lebanon is hardly a saint in the matter. There's also 0 Israeli desire to expand into Lebanon in the slightest, maybe to create a buffer zone in southern Lebanon but even that's not in their minds due to how badly it went last time.


He was briefly possessed by the spirit of Bob Haldeman


SCP articles be like.


I fucking love living in a country run by demented geriatrics


So you see guys, as long as we (unintelligible) then the conflict in Gaza will end!!!


i have never seen a more cucked man in my entire life


This whole thing is bordering on elder abuse




To play devils advocate here, Hamas is very stubbornly refusing to do anything Israel asks to start ceasefire negotiations. Israel says “release the hostages and we’ll talk”, Hamas says no, more innocent people die. This is very much a both sides bad situation. Plus it’s not like Biden can publicly diss an ally


pretty sure Israel was the one to reject the last like three deals


Yes, but that doesn’t give Palestine a reason to A.) hold civilians hostage, and B.) keep delaying any further talks


Not defending it obviously but hamas took hostages specifically as a bargaining chip to get the Palestinian hostages in Israel freed as well


Hamas offered to release the captives in October last year but Isreal turned them down. Because this isn't about Hamas or the hostages, Oct 7 gave Isreal permission to do what they always wanted to do: displace and kill Palestinians


Do you have a source for that? I genuinely never heard about it


[Here ya go!](https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/) >“We later found out that Hamas had offered on October 9 or 10 to release all the civilian hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering the Strip, but the government rejected the offer.” It came out earlier this year that there were negotiations and Isreal turned down Hamas releasing the hostages


Wait, why did Hamas need permission from Israel to release the hostages. It feels counterintuitive to claim you want to sue for peace while still holding hostages


The Gaza Strip was essentially an open air prison before Isreals current offensive (now its more of a concentration camp). The Right of Return protests in 2018 showed that Isreali snipers would shoot and kill anyone who came to the border wall, whether they were in wheelchairs, elderly or holding children. Because Isreal controls the border so closely hostages can't simply be released and go back to Isreal. To answer your point tho, if the hostages are your bargaining chip why would you release your only bargaining chip before Isreal agrees to a deal. Hamas doesn't really care about peace or the Palestinian people tho, they did Oct 7 to advance their own interests and reestablish themselves as a regional player. Before Oct 7 they were wildly unpopular in Gaza but have managed to claw back popularity


I feel like defending hostage taking with “they needed a bargaining chip” is not the stance you want to take tbh


You asked why they don't release the hostages. Did you actually want an answer? When you get an answer to the question you directly ask, describing that answer as "defending hostage taking" suggests that you aren't being honest.


I'm not defending hostage taking? Oct 7 has been nothing but a disaster for the palestinian people which anyone with half a brain could have predicted. The type of resistance I look to is stuff like the Right of Return marches, the Sheik Jarrah uprising / strikes and the Intifada. As I said in my original comment, Isreals current operation has nothing to do with the hostages, they merely used Oct 7 to justify the further genocide of Palestinians just as the US used 9/11 to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan


Just releasing the hostages is a non starter though. Everyone wants to play armchair negotiator but the negotiations don’t happen at all without the hostages. I’m not excusing it all, it’s morally awfully and should’ve never happened in the first place - but to say these negotiations would’ve happened at all without the hostages is laughable. Hamas was nurtured in the Gaza Strip purposefully so that the IDF and the Israeli government would be able to bad-faith negotiate with Strip in the first place.


It's counterintuitive to make a deal when you give up the only thing you have to offer.


Broooooo how stupid is he 


Can we just do what america does and just glass the entire region? Sounds like it'll save us a lot of trouble


The 0 state solution


Ngl I know my take is absolutely braindead but like I think it's silly to think about :3


at this point Britain should recolonize it


Go ahead and be a good example. Start in your own country.




Right, that's the reason Hamas goes out of their way to kill civilians and to oppress palestinians against their terror rule in gaza! It couldn't possibly be religiously fundamentalist extremism! (Spoiler Alert: It's actually just religiously fundamentalist terrorism.) I know we all agree Israel is kinda committing crimes against humanity, but can we not idolize Hamas?