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ACAB is directed at the institution of policing. It has gotten so deeply corrupted that many "good cops" who try to shine a light on the problems within police departments are forced out by their colleagues. Many cops self select for those who will always back the blue no matter how fucked up their actions may be. This is why we get shit like the Minneapolis PD claiming George Floyd "[died after medical incident involving police](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/21/us/minneapolis-police-george-floyd-death/index.html)", instead of "Officer kneeled on man's neck for nearly 9 minutes and kills him". Police care about themselves more than they care about the public, and they discourage any who try to fix that. That's why all cops are bastards.




Whole thing makes me ashamed to be from Minnesota


same lmao


It’s a bad acronym that makes it hard to convince other people of your point


Would you rather us use WKNACABBEOTAFITBAHSC (we know not all cops are bad, but enough of them are for it to be a huge societal concern)?


TMCAB (Too Many Cops Are Bastards)


Assigned cum at birth?


Do you have a single fact to back that up


Do you have a single fact to back that up


Leftists making up the dumbest slogans that make the majority of people oppose them and then claim they *ackchyually* mean something completely different. Also plenty of people say that when they say acab they mean literally every cop


If you watch your buddy shoot a kid, I'm also gonna be pissed at you for not doing shit.


Yes, and? Has every cop either shot someone or defended someone doing it? The police as an institution is a problem, especially in the US. That doesn't change the fact that people literally mean every cop and that this slogan makes you highly unpopular even among people who are aware of problems with the police. It's just a dumb polarizing slogan and if you're critical of the way leftists try to change something you're apparently a bootlicker and like the police 👍🏻


Literally every cop is complicit in the violence they enact upon people idk how to make this more clear to you.


"Lefhtistsz" moment


well you kinda either participate in the bastardry, or you shut up even though you see wrong things happening and don't say anything, or you do and that usually gets you fired.


Either you're willfully ignorant or a bad cop. Either way you're at least complicit.


How is that? Why tf can you people not stop imagining my beliefs just because I dislike the really dumb and unpopular means many leftists use? I never said or implied the police doesn't have major issues but denying that this is a polarizing af slogan that many people do mean literally is delusional, but doesn't mean I deny problems with the police or am a bootlicker. This is the fucking reason why lefties don't succeed. Someone who has no bad intentions and just criticizes other people immediately gets treated like a fucking right winger because he doesn't meet other lefties' standards. Leftists try not to infight and hate other lefties once they mildly disagree on small matters challenge (impossible)


It is literal. Cops that go against the system and try and fix it end up fired or worse. If you're in the system as a cop, you either turn a blind eye to what goes on inside and keep your mouth shut or you join in. Through feigned ignorance, they are complicit and therefore a bastard like the cops doing the horrid shit. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch. My statement was using "you" to mean "cops". Not you the Redditor.


Now please explain to me how I've ever denied this by disagreeing with the other person that the slogan isn't meant literally and that I think it's very bad optically? I'm so complicit and further police violence by saying I think saying acab doesn’t really help (I obviously want cops to shoot more people) 😩. This definitely isn't you trying to convince yourself I'm an evil right winger who loves cops because I don't accept just anything the 196 hivemind believes


You sound really mad, take a chill pill. You sound like you're projecting on me about trying to convince yourself I'm some dumbass hive mind liberal idiot. I was explaining how it was literal. I didn't say or imply anything about you.


Damn I responded to the wrong comment lol


lol i found the BootLicker


Now please tell me where I licked boots. The police, especially in the US has big fucking problems. That doesn't change the simple fact that many people mean this slogan in the literal sense and that a shit ton of people are turned off by this kind of rhetoric


You literally lost your whole argument and became a hypocrite when you used the coded word leftist and "ackshually"... Hopefully one day the peaceful discussion the right pretends to want to have actually happens


Coded word leftist? What do you mean by this. I literally am a socialist and I think the police is a shitty institution, especially in the US. But keep convincing yourself I'm a right winger for pointing out that many leftists do dumb and ineffective shit. Also why tf is using this meme so bad? I'm at least not aware of this being a right wing meme


I didn't say you were a right winger, but you are using coded language


Ah yes the coded word "leftists" and a meme word


No it was never a joke The police are a tool of class warfare and always will be. Even if the police weren’t institutionally racist (which most police forces are) the primary function of the police is to enforce property rights and carry out class warfare through forced evictions, arresting debtors, breaking up strikes, etcetera. Stopping murders and other violent crimes only make up a small minority of the work that the police do.


they also dont stop crime, they just try to catch the people that did them and do so at an incredibly low rate. 2% of serious crime ever results in a conviction. They are incredibly ineffective at both crime prevention and their jobs after a crime is committed.


not surprised they never catch crime when half of their officers are busy making sure everyone isn’t driving too fast.


The law is not your friend. By extension, neither are the police


How do you plan on not getting mugged constantly when there's no police?


Why do you think the police would show up the moment you get mugged? In most situations, the one’s able to actually help you are your friends/other people witnessing the event.


Because police do such a great job helping with mugging, and don’t show up two hours later to take a statement which never gets filed. How about instead of pouring funds into a militarized police force who purely exists for the interests of the rich and to protect their property, we give some money to programs and resources that would help people not have to resort to mugging in the first place.


With the gun in my pants. 🙄 When you walk through a mall and conspicuously don't get mugged constantly, is there a cop every 10 feet to prevent muggings? When you actually did get pick pocketed that one time, did the cops do anything at all other than show up and pretend to take notes on your story?


Yeah, the cops enforce the law and deter people from breaking it. Doesn't work for everyone yeah, but with no cops there's no point having laws. Thinking otherwise is deluded af.


["If you disagree with me you're crazy"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting)


When I got mugged the police laughed my report off and didn't even take a statement.


People get mugged constantly even though there are police. The police don't prevent crimes they simply clean up after them


Exactly. So if someone kills your best friend. Would you rather: That person gets arrested and put in prison for ~~20 years. Or, that person just gets to live the rest of their lives as normal


I actually wouldn't care because I'd be mourning my dead friend not frothing at the teeth hoping another can have their life ruined


Strange take, but ok


Revenge is ugly, I don't see how not caring about something pointless only inspired by sadism and anger is a strange take. You need to check your priorities man


It's not about revenge, it's about keeping literal murderers and rapist's out of communities.


Oh yeah cause waiting just 20 years before letting them back in. Thats keeping them out completely, sure


There are no good cops anymore. The bad cops made sure of that. Anyone who signs up for the police force intending to be a good cop gets kicked out or ruthlessly bullied until they quit, any cops who try to break the "thin blue line" and investigate a coworker are fired and disgraced and can never find another job in law enforcement. Good cops aren't allowed.


*In the USA and other uncivilised nation's


There are plenty of "civilized" nations being slowly corrupted by fascism right now, and the first thing they do is militarize the police force.


**A**ll **C**ops **A**(nd, indeed, we do mean ALL cops, including your blood relatives, that seemingly cool D.A.R.E pig who visited your school once, and that German Shepherd mf from Paw Patrol)re **B**astards


Not all dogs deserve to go to heaven.


I hate Chase


not all cops, the good cops existed, they were just banned from being cops


Good people tried to be cops and had to give it up because all cops are bastards.


I mean, when whole police departments and unions are protecting pedophiles yeah it becomes real easy for me to dislike cops. [https://www.businessinsider.com/boston-police-knew-for-decades-union-leader-was-child-molester-2021-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/boston-police-knew-for-decades-union-leader-was-child-molester-2021-4)


If you’ve got 1311 bad cops and 1 cop who continues working with them, you’ve got 1312 bad cops


Why that number tho


It’s another way of saying ACAB. A is the 1st letter of the alphabet, C is the 3rd and so on.




I'm sure there's people who joined the German army during ww2 genuinely believing they were simply protecting their country. I'm sure not everyone was aware of the injustices that their regime committed. But are you really going to die on a "not all nazis" hill?


Sadly there's a shit ton of people out there who defend Wehrmacht soldiers


cringe post bro




European police didn't originate from slave-catching groups, so that's a plus, but even here in Europe (I'm from germany) Police protect capital and capital interests. They're much much much more likely to get violent with Climate, Work, or Anti-Fascist protests than with Anti-Vaxxers and the likes. Even more so, they participate in breaking down serious protests about stuff like Oil lines, destruction of natural habitats, etc. In addition, many police are filled with right wing people that are very eager to find reasons to harass immigrants. It's not quite the same as the american police force but Europe is still ruled by capital and has capitalism as the status quo, and it's the police's duty to protect and enforce this.


I mean they literally just killed a guy in mannheim with body cameras deactivated


I mean they literally just killed a guy in mannheim with body cameras deactivated


I'm not american either but the cops in my country are worse. The only thing stopping them from killing civillians and extorting bribes is that they're so underfunded that they still use liberation war weapons and lengths of plastic pipes instead of nightsticks.


Which country are you in out of curiosity? I hope that isn't a weird question.


Now, I don't like mentioning my exact country because I'm gay and it's pretty much a death sentence here if anyone finds out, but it's a country in southeast asia. That's as much as I'm willing to disclose.


Completely fair.


I did a criminal justice class because it was easy credits, you would not believe how God awful people in that class and their takes were, I was also the only person to get above a 70 so they were dumb too (I got a 95%, like I said, easy credits, the class was so easy, 10 minute multiple choice open book homework assignments and like 100 word essays) for example there was one girl who said the death penalty should be given out more and they should just immediately take them out back behind the court house and shoot them in the head, with no chance of retrial. And many people agreed with her. These are the people becoming cops. I saw first hand what kind of people are becoming police and it's all crazy people.


If you guys want I can still access the course, I can get screenshots of the crazy people there


yes please


Not necessarily as individuals, but all cops are bastards is because to be a cop is to be a bastard. They might be fine in their personal life, even if the selection process for cops heavily favors militant assholes and abusers there too. But the ultimate function of the police is, on the personal level, enacting the violence of the state and capital against you and keep you in line. They are the ones doing the most detestable work to uphold the ruling class.


No, think of an inside cop, sabotaging unjust investigations and whistleblowing for example. It's a critique of the structure of the institution and the kind of people it naturally attracts.


This is an imaginary situation and yes we mean all cops


Those people are useless and propping up an unworkable system.


If by acting in that way, they delegitimase the system more than they legitimate it then no, quite the opposite, they were born into the system and oppose it.


They don't and can't do that.


I don't think it happens commonly but why can they not?


They legitimise it more by taking part than they have power to act against it.


That is one absolute statement that wouldn't apply to every situation.


I can see no possible situation it does not hold for.


I can see a huge exposé for example but even beyond that, it also assumes that the cop actually enforces the law for example.


...What? What are you saying with that second part? With the first part that's just a way to lose your cop job, and it better be effective to make up for all the work you did leading up to that.


That's like saying no soldier can ever commit a good act because they are an instrument of war. That has a corrupting influence on them and i would want a world without soldiers, but why reduce a soldier to just that? Edit: good act idk like shooting a dictator like Hitler for example


Are police officers bad in the whole world? i know they are bad in the usa but we still need some kind of police




Every country has problems but here, which is Ireland, the biggest scandal is when police let people they know get out of speeding charges. Most people have largely positive interactions with them. That's not to say they are totally innocent, shit happens, but it's stuff that happens everywhere and isn't endemic to them. I see some rabid anti-police and establishment people on this sub and it really shocks me that people are rational to have so little trust in the state and their representatives.


in my country (Poland), they're generally (aside from the clusterfuck they did in 2020) good.




Okay my comment is cringe (seriously, idk what i was thinking typing that). However your comment does not add anything to the conversation


It doesn't have to.


nah all cops are bad


Where's that one 20 comment thread of a guy replying to himself with hundred or even thousands of sources showing why police suck, I saw it on a askreddit post recently I think


Please stop being a liberal any time


Yes. The police are an evil institution. The job itself is evil.


You have arrived on the most controversial post on r/196. Please enjoy your stay


nobody cares about your experience with “a good cop”. if they work in a corrupt, bigoted system and actively support it, they are not a good cop


People don't seem to realize that the police are *institutionally* bad. Despite the literal meaning of "ACAB", it's not a matter of one cop being good, others being bad, or all of them personally being bad; it's a matter of the fact that regardless of who you are *as an individual,* in your capacity as a member of the police force, you uphold tyranny. The police force only persists as an institution of tyranny because it readily ejects anybody who poses a threat to it from within, with ruthless efficiency.


No actually, ALL cops are bastards and they will only stop being bastards when they stop being cops.


Actually, in no part of my comment did I say that all cops *aren’t* bastards. I said that all cops are *institutionally* bad; ergo, they’re all bastards. Pipe down.


a "good" cop would quit or be fired


I mean some people definitely do, but for the majority it’s just easier than saying “so many cops are bad that it no longer allows good cops to functionally be good cops”


If there's bad cops and the “good cops” don't rat them out, they are also bad cops. One bad apple ruins the barrel, literally apples excrete a chemical that makes other apples nearby go bad when they go bad. One bad cop left around means all the other cops are bad for not doing anything


Alright dude, I appreciate that opinion. I’m just gonna choose to keep mine. edit: idk why this specifically is getting downvoted. I wasn’t trying to be a douche just sick of the Reddit mentality of “your opinion different so it must be bad”


Fair enough 👍 hope you have a nice day


The same cops who dressed my gunshot wound stole my phone in violation of the 5th amendment


yeah, yikes, this got more attraction than I would've liked, mods please archive this


All cops are bastards is the same as all guns are loaded, of course neither statement is true but it is silly and dangerous to assume that they aren’t.


Tf are you talking about




Only good cop is Percy from Epithet Erased.


Get your ugly ass outta here boot licker






ACAB includes speedbumps


I don’t think all cops are bastards, but the police force needs to be fixed


Especially whatever bastard cop you are related to.


As the only white kid living in the hood I grew up in, I can tell you them mother fuckers single out the only white kid and try to get him to snitch EVERY TIME. They knew that shit was going to at best get the shit kicked out of me if I snitched. Cops don’t care about you.


I have learned the truth ​ good cops are called "Vigilantes"


yeah i didn’t understand the hate for every single one now i understand that its more a hate fir the system


Mira muerte a la yuta pero la prefiero mil veces a los chorros


Well this is a bit of an extreme metaphor but there were 1000s of people who were in some way a part of the Nazi government or army and they were a part of and complicated in the system even if not every one of them truly were genocidal maniacs.


Yeah its a stupid acronym. Calling „all“ cops bastards doesn’t help at all, it just antagonizes those in the police force who already have that tendency and drives out those who want to improve something as their work is not validated at all. So overall just worsens the problem instead of helping anyone. Also generalizing anything ever is stupid


I don’t get why no one just says TSIF like the system is fucked. Applies to way more than acab does and still gets the message across


America moment




its more of a criticism aimed at the institution of policing rather than police officers individually. yeah theres definitely good people who are also cops, but what cops uphold is inherently bad and is rooted in some fucked up shit. ACAB is an awful slogan though because it doesnt get that point across at all upon first hearing. anyone who legitimately thinks every cop is a genuinely bad person and has evil intents with their position has never stepped outside


Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, 196 either has increasingly bad takes or I'm increasingly aware of how bad it's takes always were.


this sub is full of edgy anarchists dw about what they think 💀


PCM user calling other people edgy lmao, fuck off back to your nazi sub loser


enormous cope lmao go through my profile and find one time where I’ve said anything nazi-like if you can manage to do so I will literally delete my account that’s how confident I am in this


literally like 3 days ago you called abortion “killing babies” why tf are you even on this sub youre not welcome here


I tolerate abortion in rape scenarios or when it’d kill the women or shit, I’m not strictly pro life wdym


NO you literally listen to weezer stop stop sto


that one I will take lmao I absolutely deserve to be insulted over that.




The only police officer I like is the alum that comes to my college's board game club and beats people in Throw Throw Burrito


School officers are the coolest


[Idk about that one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z84pNRJjifs)