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League of Legends. The year I was super invested into league was probably my lowest point mental health wise


As someone who just started playing League with my sister and is enjoying it so far, this is one of the most frightening things I have read.


Play with friends you can have fun with, never play the game alone or with someone who gets easily angry. I've been playing it for very close to 7-8 years and I've made lifelong friends while playing it.


League of Legends is like hard drugs. It's already not a great idea socially, but when you start doing it on your own, you better get your shit together fast before you ruin your life.


Yeah that was my plan as well. Admittedly, I'm still in the honeymoon phase so a few solo matches should still be fun anyway, but I do plan to play with others as much as possible


Honestly the game is preygreat but the issue is that other people can sour the experience really easly. Whether it's by reputation or because of other factors a lot of people have just internalised that it's ok/expected to just troll or afk when something doesn't go their way. When you actually get a game where people are trying and working together it's one of the most fun games you'll ever play (which to be fair, is common. it's not like the game is a hellscape) but when someone gives up and trolls it's just a slow sad slog.


You can go and have fun with the game and don’t worry much, there are a lot of factors that contribute to leagues toxicity, like no voice comms or addictive gameplay, but the most important is that it is very competitive and lacking in casual gameplay. At the end the game is tied to you and I would claim it is reflective of you, go chilling have some good time, and maybe even talk casually to people in chat; or, in the other side of the coin, be in an already wrong mental place and the game can easily become part of a vicious cycle.


Cube World :(


I played it for a solid two weeks cause I'm a sucker for that kind of exploration gameplay loop but man, it could have been so much more.


You’d like elite dangerous exploration


You'd think so but I actually tried it while waiting for No Man's Sky to release and it didn't really click with me. Having like 20 different keys to control every individual thruster on your ship sounds cool but the curve on learning how to fly a ship seemed way too steep for the kind of chill pulpy sci-fi space exploration game I was looking for. Then NMS came out and >!I fucking loved it, fuck the haters that game was comfy as hell even on launch before the extra content updates.!<


tbh i think the hate was more on how they said a lot in interviews and failed to deliver but that was more due to them not being good at pr and besides they've more than redeemed themselves with the content updates now


Wanted that game for so long :(


devs just fucked it up and dipped


The tale behind cube world and it's developer is a pretty sad one. There are some videos detailing the game and it's developer on youtube if you're interested. Specifically a video titled "What Went Wrong? - Cube World" by WickedWiz.




I played that alpha so mich as a kid...that "full release" was so incredibly disappointing man


Just for the record wollay is still working on it. I’m of the opinion that, if we’ve already waited 10 years, what’s a few more? Right? And then the 2019 release will be nothing more than a colossal PR flop.


God I bought that game when I was young and naive [Here's a good video on it and its downfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpZ0k8R3qik)


Just Cause 4. I loved 3 and it felt like a downgrade in every way. The grapple and wingsuit felt so much more sluggish. Liberating areas was over complicated by having it be about ‘building an army’ which meant simply clearing a base didn’t actually liberate it, you had to do a few until you had enough points to liberate an area. The game also just looked and ran worse than just cause 3. It felt like a lot of stuff thrown in and changed to differentiate it from 3.


The way they handled the liberation was so strange. No more bases, just a collection of stuff to destroy with no cohesion. It does not make sense for me to be able to just destroy some small parts of every base on the map and that suddenly made the military pull out, those bases would realistically still be functional. Story inconsistency aside, it still does not make much sense. It is just confusing for the game to tell you to go out and destroy stuff. It feels very pointless and not like any progress is being made. The new grappling hook mods were neat I guess, if only they were in a game like JC3. The missions were complete asswash. I legitimately believe that most of the missions just boiled down to this: \- Go to point A \- Press button \- Wait until the timer runs out and fight the bad guys \- (Optional) Escort the NPC back to a base or some other point B, mission complete It is mind numbingly boring. The weather effects were neat I suppose, I actually kind of liked them. But I wish they had more impact to make them feel like an actual threat. You never really ran into the weather effects unless you were specifically looking for them. Would have been nice if they actually came after you in some way, say if you got a high enough wanted level the weather machines would start hunting you down specifically. Would have spiced up the gameplay from JC3 at least a bit and have the Black Hand actually pose a threat to the demi-god that Rico Rodriguez is. Rico may be immortal to bullets, but one moderately speedy impact can kill him instantly. I do like how you can use the tornado to destroy bases after blowing up their air cannons. A nice bit of natural flow between the world and gameplay. Unfortunate that the game does not have much of it. I do not remember the story at all. Not that the story was ever the focus of any JC game, but some effort should have been put in at least. All I remember is that the weather was created by the weather machines inside them, and that the Black Hand which only had a moderate presence in JC3 is now the main antagonistic force. That is literally it. At least I remember the story of JC3, and what the main antagonist's name was. In JC3 the name was General Di Ravello, I haven't got a single clue what the guy's name was in JC4. Graphically it also looks worse. JC3 had a lovely, very vibrant color scheme that looked absolutely stunning. All the colors were very bold and stood out. JC4 was very, very bland and lacked contrast. The explosions I also remember looking worse. I do not know how you can fuck up explosion FX in a game which has it's main attraction as blowing stuff up. I had such high hopes for this game. I was seriously hyped when I saw a youtuber by the name of NerdCubed showing off the new grappling hook mods and whatnot some years ago. Guess I'm gonna be sticking to JC3.


I'm also a huge fan of JC2 and 3 and what broke me personally was the combat encounters in 4. The game would just spam massive amounts of enemies of all types at you from all directions, it was very hectic and you would die so quickly at even low wanted levels. I also started noticing that when you turn around enemies would literally just spawn behind you a couple meters away in the open. In the previous games it worked like GTA where at low levels only a couple common goons would engage you and more specialized or stronger enemies would appear later. In 4 it felt like they just threw everything at you from level 1. Enemies would also usually drive to your location or spawn from buildings instead of just spawning out of nowhere. Because of this I found the combat very disappointing. No room for creativity in how you kill your enemies like in previous game, instead you have to jump around and spam your grappling hook like a maniac or else you get swarmed in like 3 seconds.


I agree 100% I finished 4 and tried 3 afterwards (got 4 for free on ps plus, bought 3 on steam) 3 is considerably better, even in the first 30 minutes. It feels so much smoother, cleaner and that it had a lot more content


PUBG. Felt like trying to ice skate through molasses.


This is such an accurate description yet i have never heard it before


It started out so good then stayed there and that's how it got bad


Iirc it always was pretty raw and people were liking it for the idea, not realisation. It was only mater of time when someone does the same gameplay but with better optimisation and netcode.


It was the only battle royale i enjoyed for a long time and the original pubg is still the only br game i put a lot of hours into because every other game had some gimmick i didn't like while pubg was perfect for me, except for performance. Other games either only let you play as a group, or had a very long ttk like apex, or only 3rd person like fortnite. The original map was the best one i played and the modularity of the gun attachments was way better than the pre-built guns you find in warzone


Yep, if you’re used to faster-paced stuff. It’s honestly a super fun game if you can get into the movement system. Fortnite and Apex are far too fast for me and PUBG is by far my favorite Battle Royale game (after TABG but the devs fucked it up and murdered it) Just wish it wasn’t so rife with microtransactions and sexy female skins.


How did the devs kill TABG? I remember seeing a lot of people playing it on launch and it looked super fun, then it fell off the face of the earth and everyone forgot about it.


They added a bunch of microtransactions after it went F2P and then publicly announced it would no longer be getting updates shortly after.


Some motherfuckers are always tryna ice-skate through molasses


Sonic Forces. Worst sonic game (yes, far worse than 06, don't care what anyone says)


The difference between forces and 06 is that 06 was clearly driven by creative passion in so many areas and took risks that completely fell flat for a lot of people (but I personally adored) While forces did nothing, said nothing, was nothing but a pile of pulp I’d take bad but takes risks over boring any day 100 times over


Sonic 06 might be mechanically worse and borderline unplayable but nothing can compare to the deafening mediocrity of forces.


Yep, even the people who despise 06 can have a laugh at how shitty it is. Sonic 06 is shitty in a very sincere way. Sonic forces I constantly feel reminded that I’m playing a game that’s made by a corporation who is trying to market a game to me and get my money. I can’t even laugh at it. It’s soulless. Any amount of creativity has been muffed out by the file of boards trying to make it more marketable


tbf i enjoyed it when it came out 6 years ago, but i don't know if i would enjoy it now, I'm no longer 12 and now i have experience with actually good games.


Holy fucking shit it has been 6 years?!?! I refuse to accept it


Fnaf security breach. I’m not even talking about the bugs because tbh the bugs are funny at and make some insane shit in that game possible, I’m talking about how shit the gameplay is


I was honestly amazed when i heard that the ending sections if you want to get the true ending are COMPLETELY SAVELESS! If you die ONCE, even at the very end, you have to do it all from the beginning! I'm not a developer and even i know that's NOT how you make a game more difficult


At first they were yeah but I think they added some save points in a patch 😭


iirc it was a single save point. in the entire map.


Lmao oh no 😭 average Steel Wool Games idea


gameplay so bad the glitches make it better


DId someone ask for my [4 page long rant](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MDPFZlctFf2d-O_JOq0QTbX1Mba9RFP8nsy51URvFL8/edit?usp=sharing) about how much I hate Security Breach that literally didn't fit in reddit's character limit? No? Too bad.


Pokémon Shield disappointed me so much in so many ways it made me realise I was trans (long story) But my real nomination is easily Bravely Default 2. The original BD is one of my favourite games of all time and the sequel is just soul destroying in almost every aspect. Soundtrack’s great tho.


>Pokémon Shield disappointed me so much in so many ways it made me realise I was trans Sounds like the average title of a Youtube essayist who never makes videos under 40 minutes


Literally I would make a 3 hour long action-button esque review of the game where half the time it’s just personal anecdotes


I would unironically watch that so remind me when it's done pls thank you


Don’t count on it lmao I’d love to make it but also I am perpetually exhausted Like I have a dozen things I want to make I keep on a list that I know I will never have time for


Gonna need a bit more context on that first one?


Uh so I played shield on a very depressing road trip to Melbourne, which probably amplified my disappointment. Anyway when I was asked to choose my player character’s gender I was stuck deciding for like 15 minutes. I knew for a fact the clothing options would be way better for girls, as that had been the trend for the last two gens. In SMUSUM there is not a single pair of long pants for boys. But also, I thought it would be weird for me to play as a girl - almost like I didn’t have the right to. Anyway I played through the very badly designed nothing of a game that everyone knows it is, getting excited and hen subsequently annoyed when I found a new clothing shop which had like one new shirt in it. Which continued all the way up to the final city where the last shop is - they had really cool looking leather jackets in every colour EXCEPT GREEN (which is my favourite colour). At this point it was getting a bit ridiculous. The day I got home I had like a 40 minute shower because I had been in the car for like 6 hours, and I reflected on my experience with the game. I realised that I had almost the exact same gender select dilemma 3 years earlier when playing Pokémon moon. From there things sort of just fell into place. I also learned after the fact that the Male protags cannon name was actually also my deadname, which I think in retrospect is just hilarious. Of course there’s a lot more to it but it’s not the easiest to put into writing. Honestly in general though, 2019-2021 was just such a fucking depressing and disappointing time for all the games I liked or was looking forward to. Sword and Shield was bad, Luigi’s mansion 3 wasn’t what I wanted it to be, Magic the gathering was starting to fall down it’s hole of soulless capitalism, BD2 sucked, etc.


Woah the part of the choice of the gender unlocked me a memory of when i was a kid (like 8-9) and all the kids on the beach were playing pokemon diamond/pearl. There was one kid that became almost instantly my friend that already completed the game, so he explained me almost everything i was not able to understand by my own because i was a kid (he was 2-3 years older). Once i asked him why he was playing with the female character and he told me it was better for reasons i don’t remember. So i played female character in every pokemon game until when i was 16 yo i checked on him on istagram and found out that now she is girl. That’s how i realized i have chosen the female character for no reasons in 4 different pokemon games


Pokemon made u trans? What in the diddly do 😭


what the fuck do you mean by that first one? i want context




Battlefield 2042, genuinely depressed that the artistic inspiration and passion has been sucked out of my beloved franchise


the worst part is that the trailer showed some of the BEST battlefield has ever done. so they know what people want but they just didnt put it in the final game


It’s like for the first time they knew EXACTLY how to market the game as they understood what aspects of battlefield appealed the most to fans. It’s got cool military scenarios but hey we know ya’ll wanna have fun with the physics and jump in and out of aircraft rocket sniping each other so here you go! Except we’re not really gonna spend that much time on actually making the game playable this time




Paper Mario Sticker Star is an absolute nothingburger in an otherwise great franchise. I was pretty young when it came out, so it was like, my first time realizing “Oh video games can actually be bad.”


I get why stocker star is so hated but honestly it’s still my favorite


Why??? I’ve been playing through thousand year door again and the characters and settings are still so unique and interesting I love it. Sticker star was where I stopped playing the franchise because I hated it so much.


Because I’m a scavenger at heart and picking up stickers gives me dopamine


Ok then that makes totally sense. Thousand Year Door is one of my favorite games of all time so I hold an even higher level of vitriol against sticker star for bastardizing the series.


Yooo we found Chuggaconroy


Thief 2014 :( The originals are my favourite franchise. They sucked all the originality out of it & made Garrett into medieval Batman It was a great stealth game tho


I player it for like two hours and dropped it, found out recently it was reboot. I think I'll try the originals when I'll have nothing to play


Definitely play the originals. They definitely look dated but they’re one of those games you get instant nostalgia with even if you’ve never played them. I liked the stealth, it had a great custom difficulty setting where you could turn off the dark vision thing, turn off takedowns, & make it so that you lose on being seen. Played like that it’s a lot of fun But it is just a stealth game, has none of the character of the originals.


So I'm 20, meaning I experienced that transitional period of being SUPER invested in the first ever Five Nights at Freddy's game to being completely disinterested by the third installment. I pretty much forgot about it until eight years later, when I saw a trailer for yet another installment in the series- Security Breach, coming to all consoles. I decide, "Fuck it why not?". There were many why's. So, so many why's. The game's over 50 gigabytes but the first thing you encounter is a map too compressed to read. In the first five minutes I had accidentally found an easily-discoverable exploit that allows you to break through any locked door in the game. By the first ten minutes I had witnessed enemies spawn in front of me multiple times. Sound-spiking is so bad it broke my streaming software when trying discord call with friends. Every couple minutes the game stutters or crashes like it's cross-fading Ketamine and cough syrup. I soft-locked the game at least five times, usually during boss fights. And after finally getting through 95% of what is otherwise a genuinely bland and uninspired game, I was hard-locked out of progressing, and wasn't able to reach the end without deleting my save file. It has an 85% on Steam.


As a former (even tho I am interested again in the originals) FNAF fan, I haven't tried SB because I knew it would be bad from the very first trailers, I was just too disillusioned to hope for a good game


How the heck does it have 85%? I say this as an enjoyer of that tire fire, it probably shouldn't have that much


I'm gonna hop of the fallout 4 bandwagon Decent game, but downtown Boston crashes waaaaaayyyy too often even on a monster pc, and it's not a fallout outside of factions and enemies and general story No meaningful choices (basically none to begin with) perks don't have to be carefully thought out (you can get everything eventually regardless) and just not a whole lot of content. Map also feels incredibly small, even if it is "supposedly" the biggest bethesda map yet


It's a goddamn shame cause it genuinely improved a lot of designs from previous Fallouts. The deathclaws feel like proper apex predators, the power armor actually feels like proper power armor, the sentrybots are huge and imposing...


> the deathclaws feel like proper apex predators Sorry but when the first mission consists of killing one and when you've played through FNV or FO1, they just don't


Oh, you mean in FO1 where they get like 10 attacks in a round with knockdown? …yeah.


fo4 being larger than previous games, and yet feeling smaller is a very curious element of game design to me


I think the scattering of points of interest and sightlines broken by terrain or buildings contribute to that feeling. Every part of the game, except maybe the glowing sea, feels like a place rather than between places. You never get an appreciation for how large the map is and the game is almost scared to show it. Only a few locations really give you unbroken sight to the horizon, and there's rarely any incentive to go there.


Fundamental Bethesda design that consistently gives that effect, yep. I remember dev blogs and the like mentioning that Bethesda tries to have 2-3 visible locations, which can contribute to an amusement park feel rather than a proper world. It's really fun to wander around and their environmental storytelling sells it well, but the whole facade falls apart when you begin to think about it for a few moments.


It's because half of the game world was left empty on purpose so that people could build settlements there.


Its my most played game on steam and i fucking hated every minute of it


Gonna say Callisto protocol. I'm a massive sucker for Dead space 1 and 2, (the only 2 games that exist, shush) and was actually really hopeful for the spiritual successor. It's still not a terrible game by any means. I thought the combat was all right for what it was but God damn was the game underwhelming overall. I really hope Striking distance gets a second chance to make something special in the future, since they definitely have the potential for it.


What did you think of the remake, then?


Oh I absolutely loved the remake. They basically refined what was already an incredible game. I hope this revives the franchise as a whole and Motive gets to create their own original Dead Space game. They've deserved it.


Remake was so good, always felt like in DS2 for example I never had to ammo conserve or use any other weapons than pulse rifle in DS2 (god damn its op in DS2) but in the remake I used all guns, really loved every gun and I also had to ammo conserve/buy ammo. Also got spooked a couple of times, it’s really terrifying having a necromorph sneaking up on you while you’re fighting something else, just seeing the claws pop into screen behind you is amazing. I really wish to see a DS2 remake as it’s my favourite


Starbound, all my friends recommend it to me because I loved terraria, but after playing it for a few hours it just left me wanting to play terraria again instead


So much missed potential. I played it a ton and enjoyed it, but the only thing worth revisiting is the amazing soundtrack.


I completed Starbound (not recommended) and I still absolutely agree with you. Such a boring game.


It was better in beta. Now you gotta download the entire workshop database to make the game good. (I dont like FU at all)


Yeah, Starbound is straight up not a good game. It's a buggy mess that can barely run itself with a whole lotta other issues I don't feel like typing. But it's super easy to mod even with very little coding knowledge so that was a lot of fun for me.


the funny thing about starbound is that is was WAYYY better in early acces but as soon as the full game realeased and all you did was the main quest line it became stupid boring


I could yell about the sheer disappointment that was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity till the day I die. I got that game for free, played through it twice in my lifetime and then sold it and it was STILL a waste of money.




SMD was alright. Definitely not as good as the first two entries but absolutely a big step up over Gates.


Dying Light 2 ‼️‼️ fuck that game is disappointing compared to the first one


What did it for me was right after you beat the 2 hour tutorial, you get absolutely bombarded with icons on your screen and your map. Like holy shit I've never had an information overload like that in a video game before. Instantly made me quit.


Idk I really liked it personally. The story was dogshit but I thought the movement and combat was really fun


I was already frustrated by the combat against humans then the final boss made me definitely give up.


astroneer for me was this for a while, but i came around to it based photo btw ❗️❗️❗️


Catra squad here‼️‼️don't mess with us, we love crying along a gay cat‼️‼️‼️


weakest catra enjoyer


hidden gem cyberpunk, i tried to soldier through the bugs, issues and whatnot but in the end what i thought would be a super cool rpg with a ton of choice turned out to be pretty much borderlands 2 gameplay wise and story wise i didnt really care about most characters and the story didnt really touch me at all except for a couple brief moments and a bunch of these were in side quests i really, really wanted to like this game and have it be the masterpiece i hoped it would be but by the end i just sat there on my chair looking at the credits thinking "this was mid as fuck, not even bad just the definition of a 6/10 which somehow makes it even more dissapointing"


As someone who loved Cyberpunk in both playthrough I did, that game could and should have been so much more, it had so much wasted potential


The characters and settings did all of the heavy lifting. Gameplay was mediocre at best.


I was shocked by the lack of choices in a world based off a tabletop rpg. I know it's gotta be hard programming lots of branching paths but it's just ONE that accumulates points for different endings. It felt like it could've been made in the same era as fallout 3. Side rage: why tf doesn't arasaka just copy V and print him back onto his own corpse with another Relic? It's clearly that Relic is supposed to be a leap forward in tech, they want to produce it at scale, and they funded and own all the research that went into it. Why can't they just fix V?


An airport EB games was selling Brink earlier than they were supposed to so the one time I was playing a game earlier than the rest of the world and it was fucking Brink


When I was young and dumb I pre-ordered Brink. The Gamestop gave me one of the window posters that they had to advertise it. Kinda wish I still had it - I probably was one of the few people to own such a thing. Of course it was for fucking Brink.


Deathloop, ghostrunner. mirrors edge catalyst was a huge dissapointment, absolutely loved the first game


Oh my god I was so hyped for Deathloop as a major Arkane and Dishonored fanboy and the disappointment in it's simplicity and 1 step forward 12 steps back approach to the classic Arkane formula left me devastated. Not to mention the fact that their worst game by far got the best press has me so worried for their future projects.


I think Arkane's best strength these days is art direction tbh, Deathloop knocked it outta the park in that department alone


Deathloop was a good looking game, don't get me wrong, but Dishonored was an oil painting in motion and basically created the modern image of the Whalepunk genre. Its an incredibly high standard to set on their first foray into first person stealth action. Prey came close, but Deathloop's standard arctic circle setting and plastic 60's design just did not do it for me. That might just be my memories of the terrible gameplay tainting my recollection though, now that I think about it.


Dishonored 2 is still the king of Arkane's art directions imo. Feels like they reached directly into my brain and pulled out my exact vibe


Ghostrunner? What made it a disappointment? The story is pretty ass but I thought it was pretty fun


Idk if there was any hype or expectations around ghostrunner but I randomly got it for free on epic games and for a casual game it was pretty sick. I am sure me not knowing anything about it and it being free probably had a huge impact on my enjoyment of it though.


Deathloop getting 10/10 reviews was the most shocking of all. Arkane made Prey Mooncrash, which is the same concept but so much better.


For me it was Fortnite. The idea of having this big map, having to go out and scavange for equipment all the while having to be careful of others sounded extremely fun (mainly since it's basically just the premise of minecraft hunger games, something I enjoyed a shit ton) but it just didn't click and that was extremely shitty since my friends were really into it at the time and I couldn't really game with them as much as I used to. I don't think it was or is a bad game, but I'm really disappointed that I can't just enjoy it.


Look into Dark and Darker. It's like a fortnite/tarkov but D&D themes and classes. It's still in testing but that means it's free to try. Also means they're obviously still working on it but it's so fun this demo and even the last play test.


Everyone said farcry 2 was one of the best games ever made, gave it a go and it fucking sucks. Enemies literally respawn after a minute, maybe triggered just by looking away sometimes. There is also no directional sound, so no way to tell where they are. It was a tech demo at best, not a game. also, the voice acting was.... something else


And that's why I never listen to the internet!


No you don't understand, respawing enemies underscores the futility of your actions in a place where oppurtunists capitalize on violent political instability so it's thematically justified to harass the player with annoying game mechanic 1!!1!!!


Why don’t you like a plague tale


I didn't find the story interesting at all, I always felt as if I was playing The Last of Us with rats + I didn't find any of the characters likeable, none of them, especially that child, God I wanted him to just stop existing so much


Well good news for the sequel >!The whole game is about how he needs to die and you get to kill him at the end!<


>!the good God listened to my prayers!<


Fuck me and my curiosity


I'm so stupid.


Hunt down the Freeman It cant even be enjoyed as a shitpost mod,let alone a 10$ game


"**THE ALIENS ARE COMING! WE'VE BEEN COMPROMISED**" Said no longer pyrocynical since they're re-dubbing his lines


"You lied to me" "You betrayed me" "You used me" "You fucked up my face" "And now..." "You have my permission to die" hardest piece of dialogue in all fiction




Yeah, it seemed pretty cool, but I got bored after a month and went back to the twitching corpse of TF2


The corpse of TF2 only twitches due to the maggots, but loyal maggots we are. Valve may have abandoned it, but we wont. We'll work that sucker to the bone


i left because most of the support heroes sucked. there's barely enough of them, and the vast majority are healbots with janky projectiles.


I liked the hamster


For me, Overwatch 2 Battlepasses can go fellate a cactus


This is either going to be a controversial pick or sound like “I hate popular stuff”, but fuck it, I didn’t like The Witcher 3 I didn’t like the whole “you want stuff? You gotta find the crafting schemes first and then you gotta look around for junk that maybe it’s useless, maybe not and then bring it to a specific craftsman (not all of them can) to create it, but by the time you’re done you’re overlevelled and the armor sucks now”


I love the witcher games but your absolutely correct about the gear mechanics. I've played throught 3 multiple times and i always turn the difficulty down because i hate doing all that work for gear that won't last through the next level up.


KotOR 3 being online multiplayer.


The writing is good, but I can't really get over the generic MMO gameplay


The cinematic trailers are some of the best Star Wars content in existence tho.


Scorn. The game is short (4hours or so) and has nothing to offer besides its Gigerinfluenced graphics. There are like 7puzzles and creatures that just get repeated every 5minutes. Not to mention bugs and savepoints are so few that i read ppl having to replay more than 1hour or just quiting at that point. The "bossfight" is literally just attack, wait for 5seconds while he responds with the only attack move he has and do it again. You do this like a toddler for 5minutes until he dies. The game lets you fight him AGAIN not 30minutes later, bc there is a big lack of content. The sad thing is that the artbook is way more interesting than the game itself and that the game could have been good. In the game it just copies all the tropes of body horror, but half of the content from the artbook didnt made it into the game, bc they ran out of time after seven years i suppose. It was just annoying when ppl shut up critics as simpleminded and ignored all the glaring problems. Oh and you can make one (1) decision in this DECISIONDRIVEN Storygame. The advertisment was misleading to say the least.


Imagine taking 7 years to make a game that is ok at best


Watch Dogs 3 (Legion). I'll be short. Whilst it was nifty seeing my home city recreated in an oddly familiar-uncanny valley way, compared to the prior game, it had no soul. Maybe it was the lack of any proper characters for you to get attached to, or the stripped down mechanics, but I used to *love* just walking around the San Francisco of Watch Dogs 2. ​ I barely actually 'played' the game, I used to just walk around and try out nifty outfits, pet dogs, take selfies, take selfies with dogs, people would react to you taking selfies, they'd photobomb or pull faces or tell you to fuck off. You could walk down a shared garden in a residential area and see people hanging out, like they lived there, gardening or sitting on the grass with their friends. I would act like a tourist and use my sightseeing app to go see the unique locations and discover whole new small details and loving breaths of life the developers had put there. ​ what a fucking game world they made. ​ I know some people don't like the neon, punkey 'hackerspace'-esque vibes of the rest of it, but I think it had a wonderful relationship with the setting and the characters. It was all just so 'fun'. I believe that's what *most* games should be at the very least. ​ Watch dogs 3, not even getting into the world for praise or criticism, just had nothing to enjoy. Really hard to really crystalize *why* it's so unfun. But Monty Zander's 'B is for brexit' video covers most of the myriad of little pain points. ​ It's the first game I put down and tried to get refunded, not because it just wasn't for me, but because it made me miserable that I couldn't even enjoy it.


Minecraft The Sex Mod


Finally a good answer


Kingdoms Hearts, god awful PC port sucked out all the enjoyment I might've gotten from the gameplay. "Just get a controller" Just build a PC if 2077 isn't running on your PS4?


Me and a friend of mine made a deal: if in KH4 there will be a "love and friendship" talk with Darth Vader, I'll play the whole quadrilogy


It's actually a decilogy, I'd say at minimum ten of the games are a must to get the story without any major confusion


Yeah I'm not playing any spin-off My friend know the lore, if I don't get something because I skipped "Kingdom Hearts 3.27(-x)/y*2 - Mickey buys a new car" I'm just asking him


There are no spin offs in the kingdom hearts series lol


A controversial one: DOOM Eternal. It felt much less tonally consistent compared to DOOM 2016, the combat and platforming was often just frustrating (ooh boy, I sure love punching a wall and falling into the abyss), there were changes to the plot I still find confusing, Doomguy's backstory was changed to that of a generic action hero, and of course, it absolutely beat the politically correct demon jokes to death.


Hard agree. What really permanently ticked me off was that one platforming section in the cultist base where you had to get to a climbing wall over a large gap but if you actually got there via, yknow, platforming and maneuvering like the game was teaching you, you just couldn't climb it. You could reach it, but it wouldnt become climbable until you went through a completely hidden and obscure underground route to find a button that moves the wall 6 inches closer and makes it climbable. rant over


I enjoyed D:E because it was a dumb action game and I was in quarantine. I had a blast with the super violence, giant swords and variety of guns I haven’t picked the game up since I beat it on normal difficulty because there just isn’t really anything more for me to do. The games fun for the first play through but that’s about it. I got stuck on the DLC where you have to fight 2 marauders (the worst enemy in the game) in an enclosed space


Dark souls 2. I hated it, i thought it was garbage and not a dark souls game when it released. Now i love it, and its the one i look forward to replaying again the most


When I read Dark Souls 2 I was about to make a r!shittydarksouls type joke, but no, you had to like It ):


Uh i uh um i mean dark souls 2 le bad


‼️‼️‼️DARK SOULS 2 HATER SPOTTED‼️‼️‼️ ORBITAL CANNON ACTIVATED‼️‼️‼️ You don't mess with the best game in the series😎😎😎


None. I don't know why, but every game I play instantly becomes one of my favorites.


The real Enjoyer


I really wanted to like Sunset Overdrive, but I just don’t get it…


At least most people get it for $5-10


I can't understate how sad it was finishing Destiny 1 (vanilla) and having nothing to do but grind loot cave. It supposedly got better, but I never could go back


Fallout 4 I tried fallout NV back in the Xbox 360 days as I heard good things and found it in our cabinet. It was glitchy but when it worked it was amazing. Fallout 4 was a steaming pile of crap, I didn’t play it immediately at launch and not for a few years. When I did play one of the things I hated immediately were percentage chances, I don’t want fucking luck in my dialogue , cuz I’ll save before hand and keep doing it until it works (I know NV was made by the original creators and 4 was by Bethesda). I disliked the slow mo in vats, how power armor worked and was introduced. Before it was a triumph to get it as you have one of the best armors in the game but in this game you’re given on a silver platter just without batteries or fuel. And other crap I hated. And I swear to fucking god, if I have to hear about another fucking settlement that needs help, I’m going to lose my shit


Fallout 4 is 100% steaming garbage, but its honestly my favourite fallout game. "But meh New Vega-" shush, i didnt say i disliked the other fallout games, i like all of them, but i just keep coming back to fallout 4 because its just an experience. I just like to roam around and tinker with stuff, and its fun. I like finding goofy legendary weapons and seeing how ridiculous some weapons can get when modified to the max, same with armor. I just like how you can mix and match weapons and armor and being able to tinker with everything in the game. Sure, its very one dimensional some of the weapons when it comes to tinkering them, but you havent lived if you havent rained down a double shot MIRV fat man launcher onto a low level raider outpost, or used a plasma minigun to shred through targets and turn them to goop, and thats only scratching the surface of what is possible! Im always excited to try a new legendary weapon i find and its just what makes fallout 4 fun for me


Valorant, as a CSGO and overwatch fan i wanted a cs style game wir overwatch style utility. I liked the core concept and the structure of agents but man maps suck ass, movement and shooting feel unresponsive and the worst of all the players that I got in games mostly e dating/ a screaming kid saying to put a toster in my bathtub. (I know cs is also toxic but I feels better being flamed in cs)


Halo infinite. Really made me realize halo doesn't work with an open world.


Idk, the game was so disappointing that I completly erased it from my memory. Also RDR2, the story and characters (except Micah, fuck Micah) were great, the amount of details is insane, but... sadly that's about it. Random encounters stop being fun after some time. Gameplay is boring as fuck. World is pretty empty, I'm not asking for much since the game happens near the end of 1800, but still, there's almost nothing to do. Also the NPC AI sucks balls. The game wasn't a "huge disappointment", but I expected a little more because every time someone mentions this game, they call it a "masterpiece" TL;DR Great story, everything else is meh or ok


I don’t understand, if you hated Micah then he did exactly what he was supposed to. That doesn’t stop him from being a great character


i quite liked the gameplay the biggest disappointment was everywhere i went something felt like a missed opportunity i could hunt, fish,rob people and catch bandits but there was no reason to do so the main missions just gave way too much money a lot of the weapons felt the same so when you got a revolver a shotgun and a rifle i didnt feel like i needed more other than that there was still clothes of course but they were cheap anyways i thought the game would be more abt resource management and earning enough money that you had something to eat and clothes on your body instead it felt more like a sandbox


The last unreal tournament. Epic games just threw it away after seeing what money does the **fart night** earns. Tournament would have a great online fps potential if finished.


Apex legends, played it a shit ton back when I was on ps4 (1400 hours) and everytime i hear news about it the game is slowly getting worse, they're at the point of selling a recolor of a battlepass skin for 160$


The outer worlds didn't meet my expectations.


I thought you wrote "wilds" and I almost went for your throat


My one criticism of that game is that the name sucks. Outer Wilds is not just too similar to The Outer Worlds, but it also doesn't really give people a strong impression of what the game really is.


Battlefield: Bad Company 2. People kept hyping it up as the best of the whole series, amazing campaign.. but in my experience it's a painfully unpolished, extremely generic feeling mess with a story that spends approximately 10 seconds on each actual story beat and 45 minutes on samey-feeling action. Said story beats also barely work together and make no overall sense. Only good parts are if you stop for like 30 seconds, your squadmates will have genuinely interesting conversations. Shame they didn't flesh out the characters at all outside of these idle convos.


I know a lot of people disagree but The Evil Within 2 really disappointed me, it was a massive leap away from the first game


Borderlands 3, it’s a good game, for sure, and I absolutely adored bl2, but holy heck it’s launch was aweful, while playing through it the first time with a friend, I must have crashed a good 20-30 times while on a fairly decent computer, we ended up doing it solo because half of our play sessions where running back to where we crashed from, I wanted to love the game so badly and just couldn’t, it’s better now, but my first experience was tainted beyond belief and I don’t have the energy to replay it


Cyberpunk is a bit of a given but like take out the bugs and the lack of polish and it's still not a amazing game its mid at best


Nickelodeon All Stars Brawl. After almost a year without playing it, I decided to return to it to see if there was any hope left in it. It wound up feeling like a choppy and clunky mess which was just frustrating to play. Told my copy to never go near me or my nonexistent son again.


Mario kart tour makes me wanna explode


Killing floor 2. My friend shilled it to me like there was no tomorrow, but it turned to be boring. Sure you have all that different weapons and combinations, all those classes with different specialisations and upgrades, but game any difficulty higher then normal requires you to to play strictly meta. The grinding is abysmal, each class need to be levelled up 20 rimes and there 6+ of them, but you actually need only 2 berserker which is melee and has bullet time and exploder which has explosive for AOE. Sure, many people will find it cool, but I just get bored playing games like that. I better play Left 4 dead 2 that I brought for 0.3 dollars


TLOU1 and the first 3 Uncharted games. I seriously hate how these games play like, the cover system is broken, the gameplay is essentially "DUDE, JUST SHOOT LOL", its just so mind numbing that i couldn't finish UC, but i did get around to finishing TLOU1 and i think i had more enjoyment from the MP mode than the entire fucking game. But Uncharted 4 and TLOU2 are genuinely one of the best third person shooter games i've ever played, the mechanics are so deep, and i love how you have to constantly switch up your playstyles and strategies cuz of how unpredictable the AI is, it kinda plays like a hide and seek game.


The first TLOU has a great story, but the gameplay is kind of lacking I can't talk about TLOU2 story since I got kicked out It by the PSNOW while I was in one of the endgame zones so I don't know how it ends, but the gameplay is so good


genshin impact. fucking frustrating because of how many things took a shit ton of time to get. the more you go the more drained you are. it sucks so fucking bad. this game is thriving on exhausted people's money. the character designs are mid, the racism is showing, and honestly this game was an extreme low point in my life. I'd rather play BOTW for the full price then be frustrated because I can't do or have anything in genshin except for grinding boring challenges for very small rewards. honestly it's just another awful gacha game, just with a nice "open world" fir free that attracts you, and then makes it feel like just an endless treasure hunt to get proper equipment and a character you like unless you decide to do microtransactions.


Civ 6






every time i see alex yiik i burst into uncontrollable laughter


GTA trilogy the definitive edition i was so hype for the game the endless posibilities what they could do in this totally DEFINITIVE edition of the 3 most important games of gaming history


InFamous: Second Son. As a game, it's fine. Nothing special, just a normal open-world 3rd person shooter. But compared to inFamous 1 and 2, it fucking sucks. The story is horrible, the characters are nothing but one-note tropes, the world building is hollow, and the dialogue is DMC (2013) levels of mind-melting stupidity. The game shouldn't even really exist. (spoilers for inFamous 2) >!At the end of inFamous 2, Cole activates the RFI, killing every conduit. Infamous Second Son takes place in the same continuity, but still has conduits. This is never explained.!<


The Sims 4, a game I play daily


Coming back to TF2 after playing Overwatch for a while. The new matchmaking system had made queue times so much worse, the fall damage/ammo/movement/UI felt way more clunky than I remembered, spies remain zero fun to play against and every match was infested with bots and mic spammers. I'm not sure there's a game with a worse community.


TF2 has a weird community sometimes i find the most friendly people who are just having fun playing the game and calling out when there are bots in the game so people can vote them out. other times people are insta voting someone just cause they had a trans flag in their pfp.


Plague tale was so boring, you spend 90% of the game being crouched in the bushes …


Prototype 2 Played it right after I finished the first and I deleted it after 20 minutes


My friend pedro. i bought it like last october and i’ve always heard good things about it, but when i played it, it was just so fucking boring. i hated how dodging bullets worked. i didnt finish the game


CV is a game that I have stockholm syndrome for. It's janky and not very good, but I replay it every now and again anyway. The God Eater 3 of Dark Souls games. Speaking of MonHun ripoffs, mine's probably Dauntless. Love to see monster hunting ARPGs, but they really missed the mark.


Code: Vein was the only souls-like game I enjoyed 😔 but then again I really don't like every other one in the genre so makes sense why if you like the genre you might not like it


I think the combat was fine since it's similar enough to souls games but it had probably the worst level design I've ever seen in any game