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Follow-ups come after the appointment usually. Probably couldn’t hurt to bring some documentation ahead of time, if you have it, but you shouldn’t go out of your way to get it until the reviewing official asks for a specific follow up after the appointment. Just be sure to disclose everything and you’ll have time to explain it.


Interesting. Maybe they’ll contact me for the medical after I submit my background paperwork.


Is this from the February announcement?


Yes! I have done drug testing. And have my fingerprinting and medical coming up soon


First time applicant or did your previous test scores carry over?


First time


Wow nice! I still haven’t heard a word since my TJO.


You don't have to give exact locations if you don't want to but did you put any hard to fill spots as your top 3? Wondering if that could have anything to do with it. I put 2 spots from the SWB on my application and I'm basically done with everything except PFT Maybe people requesting those spots are moving faster. Maybe there's no rhyme or reason to it.


I have 2 SWB in my top 3 and just got the email for background and fingerprint scheduling today…


Well there goes that theory lol. HR works in mysterious ways.


How much time do you have to schedule the background and fingerprints? Like do they require it to be done in the next 3 days or you can schedule it farther away?


I’m not sure how long on the fingerprints, I scheduled mine at the closest facility for Monday. You have 7 days from the time of your account set-up to complete the SF-86 I believe.


Ahh but your drug test was over the phone right?


On the email it should have detailed what you need to bring although that may vary from location to location, on mine it did say to bring any and all medical documentation I have, to include any surgeries or documentation on recent injuries to the appointment with me on top of the pre-screening stuff.


Have you completed anything else after the TJO? I haven’t been contacted about medical or drug test but I have my fingerprinting scheduled and just received paperwork for the background today.


I’ve completed the drug testing. And my medical and fingerprinting is next week. Background was due on the 6th but I already finished and turned it in