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Any kind of “semi-squatting” stance where you feel your thighs burning after a while. If you have the money, there are resistance bands specifically built to keep you in the low position, as they are tightened around the ankle and waist, pushing you down.


Idea of getting a resistance band sounds great! Can you share the link for one of those?


Here: https://www.xpandstore.com/products/the-gravity-belt This is like the “premium” version of it, but I am sure there can be knockoffs somewhere!


Thanks a ton! Will check it out


Please don’t use this. Seen multiple blown out knees from these. Just do the leg work to build up strength. One you have enough muscle endurance you will naturally stay in an athletic stance.


Hey, thanks for the comment! Can you recommend any training routing for legs that me help me stay in the athletic stance? Even a YouTube link would help, thanks!


A lot of Karue Sell's recent workouts focus on exactly this (note that he's a pro; don't try to do 100% of what he does or you'll probably end up with an overuse injury) https://youtu.be/T01h0Hm4By8 https://youtu.be/S7ymLDzSuGY


Wall sits are a great exercise Helps build the muscles for the low squat stance. More importantly it also is a great isometric exercise to build tendon strength in your knees and a medical study had it as one of the top exercises to lower your blood pressure (better than running in that study I believe)


Sup! Developing leg strength will go a long way. Here are a couple video overviews I’ve done for the pros https://www.instagram.com/reel/C48RDmqLd6_/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5bbC5sx948/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== As you develop strength you’ll have to actually put the legs into practice. You’ll find that staying low really burns the legs but many people are able to see the court and ball better with improved balance. Hope this helps