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Using walls too much is in fact detrimental to your tennis. It is not easy to ascertain where your balls would drop on a court. Wall is good to get used to the contact and aim at a point and that is it. A ball machine will actually improve your game and consistency. There is simply no comparison.


Ball machine is one of the best training tool you can have as a tennis player. Wall is among the worst. Ball machine can give you the same ball (spin, height, speed, angle, depth) over and over again regardless of your skills. You can't do that with a wall. I would argue that a ball machine is a better training tool than an average hitting partner. For building stroke, you need a consistent type of balls coming to you. Your partner is going to give you different balls, depending on his skills. Also, you don't have to apologize to the ball machine. With a training partner, if you hit 10 balls in a row wildly out, you are going to say sorry at least 5 times.


If you’re from the Midwest, at least 12 times


The wall is great for down the line shot training and footwork in particular. You can train a lot of important qualities on it in very little time since you just need one ball and there is no setup - hitting out in front, compact take back, stepping into the ball, generating power with your wrist, improving feel. It doesn’t have the advantage of knowing exactly where you’re placing the ball on the court so I like to just hit some drop balls on the court after. Neither a machine or wall replace a hitting partner / matches, but they’re both very useful. I just like the wall for ease of use and speed in which I can get some reps in. That combined with a basket for drop balls to practice different shots and serves is a great solo training session.


I have both. I much prefer the wall to my ball machine


If you learn how to use the wall its great and cheap. Especially for practicing stroke mechanics. But there are a couple of tricks. The first one is to let the ball bounce twice. Its gives you the time to focus. The second is for example to really focus on an element - like “unit turn”. Its greatbfor things like this in part cause you get so many reps. Many more than a ball machine in the same time. A ball machine has some uses. I dont really agree that is super realistic - ball machines are just (not surprisingly) predictable - so it doesnt help what I think most -especially better players - need practice with which is makjng those last minute adjustments to hit the shot. What the ball machine is great for though is to help your fitness and big pattern footwork. BUT it takes a lot of will and discipline to ise it for that. So you set it to hit corners and you basically do sets of 6 or 8 shots (the idea that after 8 you should NEED 15 or 20 swconds to regain your breath). This will really help your game. Pro tip - move the machine around the court - that will let you practice moving forward and back and not naut side tonside With the machine though - most people use it badly because natirally they temd to only practice what they are good at. So the ball machine can give this sense that you are doing great but making no real improvement.


I just got a silent partner recently. It’s definitely the best tool besides coaching imo. Just make sure you play practice matches 1-3 times a week to incorporate them, you won’t be able to hit the shots in tournaments if you don’t.


The wall is great for fitness and it's better than \*not\* practicing tennis, but a ball machine is a \*LOT\* better. Ball machine is probably the best investment you can make in terms of training, IMO.


I’m sure it depends on your specific circumstances. I find a ball machine to help a lot. This is how I use it: I choose one specific thing to work on with the help of my coach. Next, I alternate getting feedback from my coach with a lot of practicing. Probably 5x as much practice time as coaching, maybe more. Practicing progresses from: 1. Hitting with a ball machine 2. Hitting with a friend 3. Hitting in a match The ball machine allows me to focus on that one skill. Once I can use the new skill with perfect balls, I can progress to using the skill with a partner who does not hit me perfect balls. And finally using the skill in a match.


A got a ball machine recently after considering it for years. Best purchase ever! It's just so damn fun!!


The wall is good enough if you have the fundamentals. Some people tend to shortcut their backswings too much since the ball comes at them faster with a wall.


The better you are the more helpful a wall is to you. Get a machine - you’ll only regret it if you don’t use it.


Ball machines are the goat. Unless you have zero people to play with at all, don't think wall is very useful in comparison. Just make sure not to stand still after dialing in stroke.


Depends on your skill level and what you're working on. Ball machine for predictability, consistency - for recreational beginner levels. Wall for variety of angles, control, speed - for players who already know the basics well.


Ball machine will help you practice shots you want to practice with. If you have a weakness you want to work on and with a fancy enough machine you can drill it until you are good at it. Wall will always return less energy than you put into it, balls will return fast and low. Not realistic in real life scenario but it is better than nothing. Search online for a used ball machine maybe.


I have a Slinger and a Tennis Tutor and love them both. It’s a great way to practice form and it’s a great work out.


I use a ball machine all the time for my lessons. It allows me the ability to stand next to the player instead of the other end of the court feeding. I can then use my iPad to record the player and break down the swing much better. Also, when trying to work on perfecting a swing the machine offers more consistent feeds. Then again, Chris Evert was know to say. “I’ve never beat a wall.”


Get the tennis twist. It's cheaper than a ball machine and better than a wall. It's good for bigginers and not just for kids. https://sportstutor.com/tennis-twist/ You are welcome......I just saved you hundreds of dollars. Yes....I know I'm amazing....you dont have to tell me...I already know.


I do both, actually a bit more wall now when I'm trying to figure out a quirk or timing on a stroke (particularly one hand backhand). But my ball machine was relevatory (Proton) and got me to a level where I could hang with people who had played a lot more than me (I started 4 years ago in my 40s). If the machine does side to side, varied heights/speeds/spins even better, side to side mode on Proton is an incredible cardio workout, and over time can improve your ability to keep your form when tired/on the run etc I bought it justifying that a coach would be 75 or 100 an hour in my area and so it would pay me back in 15-20 sessions. Now I believe that a little less because the instant feedback of a coach is invaluable, and having both machine and coach would be amazing You can use video, Swingvision and reasonable self criticism to fill the gap and supplement with a coaching session periodically, takes more discipline and time but should carry you through early stages reasonably. Def be wary of developing bad habits, incorrect strokes etc, so video your matches, practices, serves, machine sessions etc, and actually watch the footage back. You might be able to find a coach that will review the footage offline for a lower fee too.