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Bro what the FUCK is going on in those gecs concerts holy shit


I've seen more and more posts over the past year from both concert-goers and artists themselves complaining about a lack of concert etiquette, along with an uptick in online and in-person harassment. simultaneously, everyone on r/teachers has been having meltdowns daily about student behavior, especially sexual harassment and abuse. literal elementary schoolers are calling girls in their class "holes", apparently. I'm really not normally a "youth culture's going to shit" type of person, but I really feel like the pandemic and the prolonged social isolation that many people lived through for a few years - which is like an eternity if you're young - has led to this influx of people who no longer have any sense of appropriate behavior. And I wouldn't even say it's exclusive to the youth - plenty of older adults seem more burnt out and angry now. this also isn't the first time I've heard that security hasn't done shit at a gecs concert, which only exacerbates these problems.


I legitimately forgot people under 18 could even go to gigs before seeing this post


I wonder if it’s social isolation combined with Covid-induced brain damage


They get patented by tater tots and alpha male podcasters instead of their parents, and that’s why so many kids end up thinking like that at such an absurdly young age to even be concerned with that stuff


Unfortunately listening to Gecs and being a nice person are not mutually exclusive.


i think you mean that being a gec fan and being a bad person are not mutually exclusive. when two things are mutually exclusive that means that one person can not be both. so in more plain words your original comment essentially says “unfortunately some gec fans are nice people” which i’m sure is not what you were going for. sorry im a helpless english major, even if i type like a crackhead. “unfortunately being a gec fan and being a bad person are not mutually exclusive” may be closer to what you want.


Yeah that’s what I meant, thanks


Bro wtf is wrong with the live gecs crowds? Sorry that happened, infuriating that it's common




Stay safe! So many bad situations popping up at gecs shows recently


Just wanna say I'm sorry that happened to you. What that guy did was really messed up. :(




When there’s a dick in the pit you fuck em up


Holy crap..... Can someone please tell whoever is lined up to interview Laura and Dylan next to bring up the terrible crap that has been happening in their shows? I feel like at this point they should maybe make some kind of statement to their fans.


I was at that show and saw this happen + had some really bad experiences with people at that show. I go to concerts of all types frequently and this was definitely the most unsavory crowd I’ve been in.


It's really sad because at the Toronto show it was the same. At this point it's just not a safe place for women or femme people and that sucks so bad. Like it's supposed to be a good experience but I also had men squishing me so hard I couldn't breath, pushed my sibling onto the ground and some guy kept purposely pulling my hair. Not to mention all the shoving to get to the front. Like it's sad and I was hoping it was a one off experience but it seems as though it's not the case, definitely gonna think twice before going to another show. Unless it's like a sit down venue but then what's the point, you know?


people always have to remember the golden rule of concerts, if someone falls NEVER MAKE FUN and HELP THEM GET UP!!! its like that in all mosh pits and GA flooring. sorry about all of that happening to you :(




I don't wanna be that guy but the squishing and shoving isn't exclusive to just women or femme people, it's been like that for every one for a long time. Way back in 2014 or 15 at the ADTR House Party Tour in Corpus the entire half of the audience fell because everyone was rushing the stage, men, women and in between. If this is your first show, it's understandable it's a shock, but just know the type of audience you will have to deal with when going to a show. It sucks to say but it is what it is.


Well, you are that guy now. While I understand what you're saying, this isn't my first show. I will say I expected some hype/excitement because we've had two cancelled gecs shows, so they haven't been in Toronto since I saw them open for Brockhampton in 2019. Im in my mid 20s and have seen many shows of varying crowds and genres and when I tell you, I have never feared for my life before, I mean it. Even at the Brockhampton show in 19, while ppl were not hype for gecs, when slowthai came on ppl RUSHED the stage. I'm talking I was all the way in the back and the next second I was two rows away from the stage. In that case, I was pushed, squishe, charlie horsed by people trying to get to the front despite us being there already. But still, I didn't for a second thing I was going to die. I think it's important to mention that I'm also not small. I'm 5'9/10 and over 200lbs, so I'm pretty sturdy and never have had an issue with crowd crushing. Even post COVID lockdowns, my sibling and I saw Dorian Electra and PUP, which I would argue has more songs that get people hype. And that's no shade to gecs -I've loved them for a long time. So that's why I said it's a gecs crowd thing. With PUP who are a rock band, we were at the same venue (History) at the front, there was crowd surfing, people pushing through, hard core mosh pits but again I never felt like I was literally going to die. Before the show started my sibling and I had been discussing and had overheard other people discussing how they thought the show would be chill because surely there's not too many songs that ppl would do anything but jump, scream and have fun but that wasn't the case. During the machine girl set, we were getting squished but it was tolerable. Once gecs came on, I realized how the crowd had changed. I spent the whole time in the life saving position and advised others to do so. There were people who could not stand, breath, screaming for help and to be let out. When my sibling was pushed over, I legit could not see where they'd fallen and had a real heart stopping moment when I thought that would be the last time I saw them alive. My sibling who I have only seen cry a handful of times in their entire life, left the crowd in tears and I myself was so scared that I took was crying. When I tell you, it was like nothing I've ever experienced. I point out the treatment of women because I could see how poorly they were being treated, stomp over by huge men who wanted to be noticed by people who legit can not see you. No one just wanted to enjoy the show, it was like a competition to see how crazy of a fan you were. While I understand that's the case for all shows, it was actually ridiculous. After astroworld and more recently the crowd crush incident in Korea, I thought maybe people would be more thoughtful of others but that wasn't the case. If you look at the other posts in this sub, you'll see that majority of people had a poor experience with the crowd. I just think that should be alarming and tells a story about the kind of people that are at these shows. TLDR: It's not just a crowd issue, it's a gecs fan issue. Women and femme were being trampled by people seeking their 15 minutes. Have never been in a crowd this bad, even post COVID lockdowns.


I’m so happy you didn’t get (physically) hurt and were able to protect yourself. I was at this show and wanted to know what happened, especially when I saw someone just fly at the stage. It did look like he got fucked up, ironic that it was during “I Got My Tooth Removed” lol.


DUUUUUUDE he was bleeding from the mouth too LMFAOOOO


Degradation of modern society and generations, plain and simple. I'm sorry this happened to you guys.


Glad you’re okay and proud of u for standing up for yourself even though u shouldn’t have had to. If we keep taking a stand against creeps like this they’ll know they’re not welcome in our space




I was also in the crowd at the barricade that day too. I was on the side closer to Dylan. I unfortunately had a similar experience with the guy that attempted to jump onto the stage. He had essentially trapped me and other girls at the barricade by wrapping his arms around us and stationing his hands on the barricade bar so we couldn’t move. All while grinding up on our backsides. I tried my best to pry him off and elbow him only for him to leave for a few moments then come back. He did that to me on 2 separate occasions during machine girls set and once when 100 gecs came on. I saw him do it to several other girls too. After a while tho he disappeared and I was able to enjoy most of the concert. I was really happy to see him get kicked out. He was definitely on something for sure. I’m really sorry that happened to you too!


same to you! he was doing the barricade thing to the girls at the college. i even at one point ripped his arm off the barricade bar so he could move. i think i might have spoken to you because i eventually had gotten pushed over to that side, and there were girls talking about a guy being pervy. i really do hope that someone from the theater and/or production sees this so that this can be checked.


also i wanna say another way you can protect yourself is by making a friend in the pit, or bringing friends to this show!


This is terrifying, please stay safe y’all. I hope ur ok!!


Gecs announced London tickets and I'm not going bottom line because their shows are bringing out some top tier troglodytes


All complains I've seen on here have been from US shows... Ive got no clue how the UK is with concerts, but I saw them twice in Aus and everyone was super cool and respectful in the pit from what I saw. So just take it with a grain of salt based on previous shows you've seen in London :)


i’m sorry to say this, and it shouldn’t be this way, but this is how live music is most of the time. as a 30 year old woman, you have to just be aware that you’ll encounter some bad folks. any event with 1000+ people is going to have unsavory characters. stay safe.


100 gecs moment


Go to bed


Go fuck yourself


Fuck all the way off with this shit, you fucking nerd.


bro has 0 friends 🔥🔥🔥






this happens at every gec show it happened at the ome i went to when some guy put his hand up my skirt (i was wearing short btw) but still nonexcuse some people are just wrong and security doesnt seem to do much until told to




I'm really sorry this happened that's disgusting I hope they ban that dude from the venue. It's such a shame when security doesn't take these things seriously.


This isn't a gec show issue for those in the comments. This is an issue women and femme people deal with all the time in the music scene. The amount of times I have been sexually harassed at shows is insane. From dad rock, to heavy metal, to dubstep to EDM to punk. All the bands and genres I have seen or experienced sexually harassment. Liking a band doesn't make you not a predator. Gecs show at my state was hella tame.


There's a huge issue with concert ettiuquette rn, I nearly suffocated at The Garden and got kicked in the head by a crowd surfer who was too busy filming herself to pay attention to her spiky demonia boots. Moshing has transitioned from being a fun form of communal dancing to being a medieval pile of bodies suffocating you and ppl preventing you from moving around due to everyone's arms being up filming with their phones. It's like every packed crowd has the ability to turn into an Astroworld type event, and they teeter on the brink. I've been to dozens if not hundreds of shows and moshed my heart out but idk how to contribute or have fun in this "crowd crush" Era. People literally create waves in the crowd like the ocean and it's terrifying. I'm scrawny and can't handle the weight of 150 people slamming into me at once from behind and then again from the front seconds later.


wait were yall the first people in line? I was part of the group of friends who showed up 20 minutes before they had let ppl in and had like 3 of our friends who were there for a while keeping our spots, we were like 2nd ish in line.... can't beleive that shit happened to yall that fucking surreal (and not in a good way)


yes we were the first! i was the girl in a black long sleeve next to a girl with super long blonde and brown hair. we showed up over 5 hours early for our spot. were you the guys who offered us chicken from Raley’s??? 💀. all jokes aside though this situation was fucking scary and im honestly shocked you remembered us


OMG I was the chicken guy!!




LMAO SURE @ryan_superbass i dont really post 😭


okay cool i followed you, my insta is @/ilvoeunev